Find your ancestors in St Leonard Shoreditch Burials

Explore over 38,900 burial records from St. Leonard’s parish in the east end of London. The records will give you details of your ancestor’s address, birth year and burial place. The records also include the full burial date, from which you can estimate a date of death and add another piece to your growing family tree.

Each record includes a transcript of the original burial records. The records include valuable details which will add greatly to your family history research. Most records will include the following:

  • Name
  • Age and birth year
  • Death year
  • Burial date and place
  • Residence
  • Parish, county and country
  • Notes
  • Urn and entry number

The individual’s birth year is determined by the age given at the time of death. The age is often given by a relative or someone close to the deceased, for this reason the age at death is not always accurate and that can be reflected in the birth year.

Shoreditch, a borough of London, has enjoyed great cultural history. These burial records have come from St. Leonard, Church of England. St. Leonard parish of Shoreditch was once a part of Middlesex County, but became part of the county of London in 1889. There has been a church on its site since the 12th century, but the most recent was rebuilt in 1740.