Find your ancestors in Queensland Government Gazette 1904

The Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of Australia and its people in the past.

The 1904 Queensland Government Gazette has information regarding:

Appointments, promotions and resignations for
Civil and Public Service
Queensland Defence Force
Trustees of cemeteries, racecourses, &c.
Members of Boards and Committees
Appointments of magistrates and Justices of the Peace
Dissolution of business partnerships
Government Acts and Proclamations
Intestacy returns and notices
Insolvency notices
Land records including Crown Land leases
Lists of unclaimed letters
Notices or rewards for lost or stolen property and stock
Patents and inventions
Probate notices
Professional lists including medical practitioners, chemists, ministers of religion
Transmissions of real estate by death
Trademark registrations
Other – including road closures, unclaimed property and tender notices
AS Attorney for Mary Quarrell, the selector of Grazing Farm No. 782, parish of Coobiaby, I beg to apply to the Hughenden Shire Council for permission to Erect Two Licensed Gates on the reserved road running through the western boundary-one Gate at the northern and one Gate at the southern end; such gates to be in accordance with those required by the Act. EDMUND COX, Attorney for Mary Quarrell.