Find your ancestors in Warwickshire Marriage Index 1538-1900

Discover your English heritage today by exploring 439,940 records of marriages from the historic county of Warwickshire. You can search the records by name or by spouse’s name. Was your ancestor married in the large St. Mary’s Church of Warwick or in the small parish of Kinwarton?

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript of the original document. The amount of information in each can vary but most will include:

  • Name
  • Sex
  • Marital status
  • Age
  • Marriage date
  • Marriage place
  • Spouse’s name
  • Spouse’s sex
  • Spouse’s marital status
  • Place and County

Discover more about these records

Warwickshire is a land locked county located in the West Midlands of England. The modern county was not created until the Local Government Act in 1972, which removed Coventry, Solihull and Birmingham from the county boundaries. From 1451 until 1842, Coventry was its own county. Then in 1842 it remerged with Warwickshire. For more detail about what places are included in the Warwickshire Marriage Index, view our Warwickshire Marriage Index Parish List available in Useful Links and Resources. The county town of Warwickshire is Warwick.

These records show 16,826 marriages from St. Mary’s in Warwick. St. Mary’s is a Church of England parish Church and one of the largest churches in England. It was founded in 1123 by Robert de Newburgh, the 2nd Earl of Warwick. St. Mary’s is a Collegiate Church. A collegiate church observes daily worship and is maintained by a college of canons, a secular clergy. It can be presided over by a dean or provost.