Find your ancestors in North Yorkshire Baptisms

Discover your English ancestors’ through the 25,000 North Yorkshire Baptisms. Baptismal record are beneficial to your family history research because they make known births centuries before civil registration. You will be able to find out your ancestor’s baptismal date, residence, parents’ names and even their occupations. Was your relative a miner, schoolmaster or a surgeon?

Each of the records includes a transcript of the original baptism registry. The amount of information recorded through the years can differ but most transcripts will include a combination of the following information:

  • Name
  • Baptismal date
  • Baptismal year
  • Birth year
  • Place
  • County
  • Country
  • Residence
  • Parent name(s) and occupation(s)
  • Relationship
  • Notes
  • Checked
  • Record set