Find your ancestors in Somerset Baptism Index

Was your English ancestor baptised in Somerset? Search more than 2 million records and discover your ancestor’s baptism date and place, as well as parents’ names. Among the records, we found the name of John Cleese’s father, Reginald Francis Cheese, and Andrew Crosse, a scientist whose experiments with electricity inspired Frankenstein.

With each record you will be given a transcript of details found in the original records held at the Somerset Archives. The amount of information found in each record depends on the date and legibility of the record, but you may find a combination of the following facts:

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • Baptism date
  • Residence
  • Denomination
  • Church
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Father’s occupation
  • Event type
  • Archive and reference

Discover more about these records

Somerset is located in South West England and bordered by five counties: Gloucestershire, Bristol, Wiltshire, Dorset, and Devon. The Somerset baptism index is an index to all baptism records held at the Somerset Archives. The collection stretches from 1501 to 1917. Baptism records are an incredible resource for family historians. They provide you with two generations of names for your family tree as well as a location to allow you to search for additional records related to the family such as electoral registers, census returns, and directories.

Consult Somerset baptism index parish list for a list of all the parishes represented in this collection.