Find your ancestors in Powys Burials

Discover your Welsh relatives by exploring over 360,000 burials records from 1574 until 2002. These records will reveal your ancestor’s burial date, parish and parents’ names.

The records includes a transcript of the burial registry and an original image. The amount of information in each record can change, but most will include a combination of the following:

  • Name
  • Burial date
  • Death date<
  • Birth date
  • Age
  • Mother’s name
  • Father’s name
  • Husband’s name
  • Parish
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Page
  • Record set

Discover More about the Powys Burials

The Powys Burials includes 2,778 records which use the patronymic naming system. This system started in Wales in the 15th century through to the mid-18th century. It is the practice of using the father’s first name as the child’s surname. Usually, ‘ab’ or ‘ap’ is added between the child’s first name and the father’s first name. For example, William Ap David is William son of David. The patronymic naming system can affect your genealogical research. We would recommend searching by your relative’s first name and burial or birth year without the family’s surname. Then narrow your search from those results.

Powys was created in 1974 by the Local Government Act of 1972. The new county includes the historic counties of Montgomeryshire and Radnorshire and parts of Brecknockshire and Merionethshire. The cathedral city of Newport is the largest in Powys. Other significant towns are Ystradgynlais, Brecon and Welshpool.