Find your ancestors in Sheffield Marriages

Discover your ancestors today by exploring over 65,000 marriage records from Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. You can find you ancestor’s marriage date, place of marriage, age and father’s name. These are valuable records for your family history research.

Each record includes transcript of the original marriage books. Not all the transcripts will be complete, but they may include a combination of the following:

  • Name
  • Marriage date
  • Church
  • Place
  • County and country
  • Groom’s name
  • Groom’s age
  • Groom’s marital status
  • Groom’s occupation
  • Groom’s father’s name
  • Bride’s name
  • Bride’s age
  • Bride’s marital status
  • Bride’s father’s name
  • Comments

Comments may include bride’s occupation or family details for instance if bride or groom’s father is deceased.

Discover More about the Sheffield Marriages

Located in South Yorkshire, historically apart of West Riding of Yorkshire. The name comes from the River Sheaf, which runs through the city. Sheffield grew from industrial roots and is known worldwide for the production of Sheffield Steel. One third of the city lies within the Peak District National Park. It boasts more woodland than any other city in the country. The transcripts were created by the Sheffield and District family history society.

In the Age field, instead of listing a numerical number, the transcript may list ‘Full Age.’ This would indicate that the individual is at least of the legal age of marriage, without consent, which was 21 years old. ‘Full Age’ description can sometimes be unhelpful for genealogical research. It is important to remember that some eager couples changed their age so that the marriage would take place.