Find your ancestors in Northamptonshire Burials

Uncover your relatives by exploring over 400,000 Northamptonshire burial records. The records include over 300 parishes in Northamptonshire including Castor, which is now part of Cambridgeshire. The records will reveal your ancestor’s burial date, burial place and residence. It is interesting to note that for many of the records, individual’s residency is not Northamptonshire. Some reside in Shropshire, Denbighshire in Wales and even Galway and Dublin in Ireland. The records also includes the names of over 2000 people who were living in workhouses.

Each record includes a transcript of the original burial records. The amount of information in each in each record can vary, but most will include:

  • Name
  • Burial date
  • Birth year
  • Age
  • Place of burial
  • Residence
  • Residential county and country
  • Death year

Place usually refers to the village or parish of burial rather than the exact burial grounds.

Discover More about the Northamptonshire Burials

This extensive collection of burial records are a great asset to your family history. The record set extends to 325 parishes and villages; such as, Desborough, Yardley Hasting, Peterborough and the county town Northampton. Peterborough, the Cathedral city, was originally considered part of Northamptonshire, but today is part of Cambridgeshire.

The Northamptonshire Burials includes over 2,000 people who were living in workhouses at the time of their death. Workhouses were in existence from 1723, but it was not until the Poor Law Amendment Act in 1834 that confinement to the workhouse became a central part of the institutes.

The Union Act in 1834, grouped parishes and villages together and amongst each union they were to build one workhouse. In Northamptonshire there were twelve Poor Law Unions; Brackley, Brixworth, Daventry, Hardingstone, Kettering, Northampton, Oundle, Peterborough, Potterspury, Thrapson, Towcester and Wellingborough. Many of these workhouses are represented in these records.