Find your ancestors in Queensland Brands Directory 1949-1952

This database provides an alphabetical index to owners of horse and cattle brands listed in the main section of the (Parts I to VIII). It lists the name, address and page reference to the names in Directory. Additional information will be found in the original entry, in particular the brand and in some cases an earmark, cheek brand and/or certificate number. 

Although the directory has an alphabetical section (Part IX), it is not easy to locate the matching entry in the main part of the directory from the brand given in Part IX (no page reference is given to the main directory - just the brand). The main directory is divided into eight parts based on the different series of brands issued.

This means that it would be necessary both to note the letters/ numerals/ symbols in the brand and to pay particular attention to the characters, their orientation and the script used.

For example, note whether it is a brand consisting of:

  • Letters and numerals in their natural position
  • Letters and numerals, the second letter being horizontal with the head to the right
  • Script characters, consisting of letters and numerals in their natural position
  • Letters and numerals, the first letter being horizontal with the head to the left
  • Symbols

This index provides a page reference directly to the main entry and thus avoids the difficulties encountered when trying to determine the type of brand and locate it.