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The Parish Registers of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Dublin
More excellent BMD records live today in the Registers of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Dublin 1677-1800. Published in 1907 as volume II of Parish Register Society of Dublin, The Registers of Baptisms, Marriages & Burials in the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, 1677-1800, was transcribed by the then Dean's Vicar of the Cathedral, C. H. P. Price and edited by J. H. Bernard, the Dean of St. Patrick.
The 12000 records are predominately made up of burial records, including those of some of Dublin's most eminent citizens such as Jonathan Swift and numerous Archbishops and honourable clergymen. The reason burial records far outweigh marriage and baptisms records is solely down to the fact that St .Patrick’s Cathedral was situated in an unfashionable area and would not have been seen as the venue of choice for celebrations such as a christening or marriage.
Previous: Registers of the French Church of Portarlington 1694-1816