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Another 2.5 million court registers added
We have made a further 2.5 million court records available to search online in the Irish Petty Sessions Court Registers 1828-1912 record set, which exposes the petty crimes Ireland’s residents committed and how they were punished.
This new batch features 52 new courts in 15 counties around Ireland. A further 7 courts have been supplemented with records from additional years. This brings the total Petty Sessions Court Registers to over 15 million and the overall Irish family history records on the site to over 70 million.
Notable additions this time include a significant expansion to the records available for Galway, Roscommon, Westmeath and Limerick. Donegal also benefits from the addition of 4 new courts dating from as early as 1851, which should prove a real boon to family historians with ancestors from that county.
New courts have been added to the following counties: Galway (9), Roscommon (8), Westmeath (7), Limerick (7), Donegal (4), Waterford (4), Tipperary (2), Cork (2), Carlow (2), Kilkenny (2), Mayo (1), Meath (1), Sligo (1), Wexford (1) and Wicklow (1).
Did your ancestors who have their day in court?
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