Company information

Company details is the trading name of Findmypast Ireland Limited. We are a limited company registered in Ireland

Registered company address

Our registered office address is: Findmypast Ireland Limited, RBK House, Irishtown, Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland. However, we recommend you use our office address to contact us.

Our office address

This is where we are based, and where you should come to see us: Findmypast Ireland, 5 Whitefriars, Aungier Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. If you're having trouble take a look at our map.

Who owns us

Findmypast Ireland is a joint venture between Eneclann and Findmypast.

Other Findmypast sites

Findmypast's other family history websites include The British Newspaper Archive, Genes Reunited and It also operates ScotlandsPeople on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Data Protection

The personal information that we collect about you will always be used lawfully and in accordance with the Data Protection Acts 1998 – 2003. For more information read our privacy policy

Complaints process

In the event of a query or complaint about our website or our services, please contact our helpful Customer Support team.