South Australia Government Gazettes

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Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of the colony of South Australia and its people in the past. They contain many thousands of names and places and information from a whole cross section of the community, and are a great genealogy tool for anyone searching their family history or building a family tree.

Issued weekly with occasional special issues, the South Australian Government Gazette contains information such as proclamations, land transactions, court notices, notice of acts, public notices, tenders, appointments and resignations, bankrupt and insolvency notices, impoundments, police auctions, unclaimed letters, licenses (publican’s, wine and beer, storekeeper’s, occupation, and depasturing), rewards on offer and more.


  • John Baker
  • John Bradford
  • James Conolly
  • John and Matthew Colville
  • William George Field

Included in this collection are the gazettes covering the period of 1841 to 1870.

Example entry:

Colonial Treasury, December 29, 1842.

NOTICE is hereby. given, that the following persons have from the 21st instant to this date; taken out licenses under the Act of Council, for protecting the Waste Lands of the Crown in South Australia, from encroachment, intrusion, and trespass.