The King's County Directory, 1890

Search The King's County Directory, 1890

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Do you have ancestors from King’s County, now County Offaly, in Ireland? This directory includes extensive details about King’s County, providing, in part, brief histories of local areas and lists of prominent inhabitants. By exploring its pages you many uncover your ancestor’s full name, occupation, and town of residence in the year 1890.

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What can these records tell me?

There are over 5,000 transcripts in this record set, each including an image of the original directory. While the amount of information available varies, most transcripts include the following:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Year
  • Street/Town
  • County
  • Section

Images often include additional information about your ancestors, such as their occupations and memberships to clubs or societies. For example, we learn that John P. Fossett was an elected guardian for the Edenderry Poor Law Union in the Ballaghassaun division and his residence was in Eskermore.

Discover more about these records

The King's County Directory was published in 1890 by The King's County Chronicle. It is a very detailed publication offering insight into the local political structures of the time, brief histories of local areas, and lists of prominent inhabitants of the towns and villages of King’s County, now County Offaly. It also includes a calendar, an almanac, an alphabetical list of parishes, and a list of all guardians, ratepayers, and municipal voters. A detailed coloured map is also incorporated into this directory.