Arkansas First Draft Registration Card, 1940-1945 Image Browse

Search Arkansas First Draft Registration Card, 1940-1945 Image Browse

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Do you have ancestors from the state of Arkansas who were drafted? Explore these draft cards and learn facts such as their birth date and the town in which they lived. Findmypast’s browse search allows you to look at each draft card from beginning to end.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

This collection includes the original images of the draft card. The amount of information can vary, however, and you can usually find a combination of the following:

  • Full Name
  • Address at time of registration
  • Age at registration
  • Date and place of birth
  • Country of Citizenship
  • Spouse’s Name (if married at the time of registration)
  • Name of father and/or mother
  • Address of parents and/or spouse
  • Employer’s name and place of employment
  • Name of person who will always know registrant’s address
  • Signature (on back of card)
  • Physical Description (on back of card)

Discover more about these records

The first draft registration took place on the 16 October 1940, the registration cards were created for men born during a period from February 1897 to 1928.

On the 1 July 1941 a second registration was taken for those men who had turned 21 since the first registration have been taken.

A third registration was then taken on the 16 February 1942, this registration was for men between the ages of 20 and 45 who had not been previously registered.

Those not eligible for military service, ages 45-64 had a registration taken on the 27 April 1942, these registrations are not included within this collection.

In 1942, the fourth, fifth and sixth registrations were taken with an additional registration taken between November and December 1943.

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