Australian Imperial Force, Nominal Roll of the First Railway Section 1917-1920

Search Australian Imperial Force, Nominal Roll of the First Railway Section 1917-1920

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Discover if your Australian ancestors worked as railway workers before signing up to serve in the First World War. These transcripts reveal the names of some 435 railway employees who formed the 1st Railway Section of the Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force. Learn if your ancestor was among them and uncover details of their life and service.

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What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript. The amount of information listed varies, but the Australian Imperial Force, Nominal Roll of the First Railway Section 1917-1920 may include the following information about your ancestor:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Age
  • Date of joining
  • Reel, page and ID number on which they appear on the original microfilm records

Discover more about these records

The Australian Imperial Force, Nominal Roll of the First Railway Section 1917-1920 transcripts were compiled from an index of railway employees who formed the 1st Railway Section of the Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force during World War One.

The 1st Railway Section was also known as the 6th Australian Broad Gauge Railway Operating Company. Most of the 435 men whose details were recorded in this index were from New South Wales, although some from other states also appeared.

The index was compiled from a record series by the State Records NSW Volunteer program. Using the index, you can view the original nominal roll of the 1st Railway Section, which is available to view on microfilm at State Records NSW’s Western Sydney Records Centre.


Data provided by State Records Authority of New South Wales.