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British Casualties, Aden 1955-1967
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Find out if your relative served and died in Yemen during the Aden conflict. The records include the details of over 200 lives. Reveal your ancestor’s rank, regiment, date of death and how he/she died. Discover your ancestor through searching by name, service number or regiment.
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Aden is a seaport city in Yemen at the entrance of the Red Sea, an important location en route to India. The record set includes the names of those who died in Aden during the conflict from 1955 to 1967. The Aden conflict began in 1963, but this collection includes British deaths prior to the official date. The records also include the names of two female relatives of military personnel. Eileen Ruth Wilkes, wife of Major Keith J Wilkes died in an explosion in a British political officer’s flat on 28 February 1967. Julia Sidey, daughter of Air Commodore Ernest Sidey, Chief Medical Officer, died when a bomb was thrown into a house during a teenage party on 23 December 1964.
The Aden conflict or emergency was an insurgency against British forces in Aden, a British colony since 1839. An emergency was declared on 10 December 1963 after a grenade attack at the Aden Airport against the British High Commissioner of Aden, Sir Kennedy Trevaskis. The attack was organised by the National Liberation Front, a Marxist paramilitary group. Unrest started to grow in Aden earlier that year with the creation of the Federation of South Arabia. The federation was formed by merging the colony of Aden with the Federation of the Emirates of the South, a British protectorate. The merge was against the desires of Aden’s citizens and generated resentment towards the British authorities.
A joint effort was created between the British forces and the Federation Regular Army (FRA) to combat the NLF and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY). The paramilitary groups initiated a guerrilla campaign of grenade attacks against the British forces. By 1967 the situation in Aden escalated and the evacuation of British families and citizens was enforced. The city erupted in riots, tensions were heightened further by the Six Day War and a mutiny broke out within the Federation Regular Army.
The conflict ended on 30 November 1967. British forces withdrew from Aden and the National Liberation Front seized control of the government. The People’s Republic of South Yemen was declared.