Hampshire, Portsmouth Hospital Records Browse

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Browse through thousands of records from Portsmouth’s St James Hospital, previously known as the Portsmouth Lunatic Asylum. The collection includes patient notes, medical journals, indexes of admissions and discharges, and civil registers. A full list of all the documents available in this collection can be found below.

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What can these records tell me?

Findmypast has digitised this collection of hospital records from the Portsmouth History Centre. Through the unique Browse format, you can select one piece from the collection and read through the documents from the beginning to the end.

Within the records, you will find patients’ names, dates of admissions and discharges, reports of patients’ conditions and progress, and medical journals related to the treatment of paupers and private clients.

Patient notes recorded the individual’s progress from their condition when they first entered the hospital and how or if the person improved. You will find notes such as, ‘delusions of grandeur’, ‘excited’, ‘clean’, or one patient was recorded as claiming she was the ‘Queen of Brighton’.

The hospital opened on 30 September 1879 as the Portsmouth Lunatic Asylum. In 1914 it became the Borough of Portsmouth Mental Hospital. In 1948, the site came under the authority of the National Health Service and was renamed St James Hospital.

To search the records by name, select Hampshire, Portsmouth Hospital Records in the Useful links and resources section. It is a fully indexed search of the records provided here.

A full list of all the documents available in this collection can be found below.

Available documents

The collection includes the following documents:

Patient Notes, 1878-1901 – Reference: PR/H8/4/1/2

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1879-1882 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/1

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1879-1884 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/1

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1879-1885 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/1

Medical Journals (Private Patients), 1879-1890 - Reference: PR/H8/4/30/1

Civil Registers (Private Patients), 1879-1890 - Reference: PR/H8/4/5/1

Indexes to Admissions & Discharges (Female Patients), 1879-1914 - Reference: PR/H8/4/12/2

Patient Notes, 1882-1909 - Reference: PR/H8/4/1/3

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1883-1886 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/2

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1884-1885 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/2

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1885-1890 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/2

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1886-1889 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/3

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1886-1890 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/3

Indexes to Admissions & Discharges (Male Patients), 1888-1892 - Reference: PR/H8/4/11/1

Indexes to Admissions & Discharges (Female Patients), 1888-1894 - Reference: PR/H8/4/12/1

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1890-1890 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/4

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1890-1895 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/4

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1890-1899 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/5

Medical Journals (Private Patients), 1890-1903 - Reference: PR/H8/4/30/2

Civil Registers (Private Patients), 1890-1906 - Reference: PR/H8/4/5/2

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Private Patients), 1890-1906 - Reference: PR/H8/4/14/2

Patient Notes, 1894-1915 - Reference: PR/H8/4/1/4

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1895-1899 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/5

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1895-1899 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/3

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Private Patients), 1897-1890 - Reference:PR/H8/4/14/1

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1899-1904 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/4

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1899-1905 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/6

Indexes to Admissions & Discharges (Male Patients), 1899-1914 - Reference: PR/H8/4/11/2

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1900-1901 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/6

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1902-1904 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/7

Medical Journals (Private Patients), 1903-1914 - Reference: PR/H8/4/30/3

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1904-1906 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/8

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1904-1907 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/5

Registers of Discharges, Transfers & Deaths (Paupers), 1905-1906 - Reference: PR/H8/4/13/7

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1906-1906 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/9

Civil Registers (Private Patients), 1906-1917 - Reference: PR/H8/4/5/3

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1907-1908 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/10

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1907-1910 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/6

Deaths (Paupers), 1907-1917 - Reference: PR/H8/4/16/1

Register of Deaths & Discharges, 1909-1909 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/1

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1909-1911 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/11

Register of Deaths & Discharges , 1910-1910 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/2

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1910-1914 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/7

Register of Deaths & Discharges, 1911-1911 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/3

Maintenance Ledger, 1911-1912 - Reference: PR/H8/2/5/1

Civil Registers (Paupers) , 1911-1913 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/12

Register of Deaths & Discharges , 1912-1912 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/4

Register of Deaths & Discharges, 1913-1913 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/5

Civil Registers (Paupers), 1913-1916 - Reference: PR/H8/4/4/13

Register of Deaths & Discharges, 1914-1914 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/6

Medical Journals (Paupers), 1914-1916 - Reference: PR/H8/4/31/8

Register of Deaths & Discharges , 1915-1915 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/7

Register of Deaths & Discharges, 1916-1916 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/8

Register of Deaths & Discharges , 1917-1917 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/9

Medical Journals (Private Patients), 1917-1925 - Reference: PR/H8/4/30/4

Register of Deaths & Discharges , 1918-1918 - Reference: PR/H8/4/32/10