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Ireland, Waterford, Dungarvan Town Commissioners Records 1851-1922
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Find residents of Dungarvan town is western County Waterford with these local government records detailing maintenance of roads, harbour, markets, waterworks and dwellings.
With each result, you will be able to view a transcript of the vital details and an image of the original minute book. The amount of detail in each transcript will vary depending on the context of the record. You will find a combination of the following:
We highly recommend that you take the time to view the images and the pages on either side by selecting the previous and next options. The image will provide you with more information about why your ancestor’s name was recorded in the town commissioners’ minute books. There are a number of reasons that your ancestor’s name would appear in the books including,
The Dungarvan Town Commission was established in 1854 becoming an Urban District Council in 1898. It was responsible for a broad range of local government activity including:
The developments of the town can be traced and the growth of the town is clearly described. Events of local, national and international significance are also recorded. These include the heroic sea rescues and tragic losses at sea. The presence of Belgian refugees in Dungarvan during the First World War was recorded in the minutes (UDC/1/11) and a concert in aid of the Belgians was held in the Town Hall in Dungarvan on Monday 7 December 1914. The allegiance of the Urban District Council to Dail Eireann was recorded in the Minutes of the Dungarvan Urban District Council too.
Copyright © Waterford County & City Archives
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