Scotland, Glasgow Anderson's College Anatomy Students 1860-1874

Search Scotland, Glasgow Anderson’s College Anatomy Students 1860-1874

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Did any of your ancestors study at the Anderson College of Medicine, Glasgow? Discover details of their class dates.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript and original image of the class roll, the amount of information varies, you may be able to find a combination of the following:

  • Name
  • Class date

Discover more about these records

The Glasgow Anderson’s College Anatomy Students records are class rolls of those who studied under Professor George Buchanan.

Anderson College was founded in 1796 following the will of John Anderson, Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow from 1757.

Initially known as Anderson’s Institution, it changed its name to Anderson’s University in 1828 and finally to Anderson’s College in 1877. The Institution’s medical school was founded in 1800 when Dr John Burns began lectures on anatomy and surgery. The medical school of Anderson’s College became a separate and distinct institution known as Anderson’s College Medical School in 1887.

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