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Do you have family members who attended school in the Coffs Harbour region of New South Wales between 1912 and 1984? Discover when and where they attended school in this Coffs Harbour District Schools index.
These transcripts were compiled from school admission registers for fourteen schools in the Coffs Harbour region. While the amount of available information varies, most transcripts will include the following:
Please note that any field with only a question mark (?) indicates the data could not be deciphered or that more detail was not provided in the register. Where information is included along with a question mark (?), this means the transcribers found inconsistencies in the information.
This index covers school admission registers for the following fourteen schools:
These schools are all within the Coffs Harbour electoral district of New South Wales. Some of the schools represented in these records no longer exist while others are still functioning. The available dates range from 1912 to 1984 with a thirty year exclusion period as recommended by the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities.
This index was developed from school admission registers; photocopies of which the Coffs Harbour District Family History Society has been able to access. The original documents provide additional information on the families of the pupils, which the Society is able to access.
Data provided by Coffs Harbour District Family History Society Inc.
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