US Census 1930 Merchant Seaman Schedule

Search US Census 1930 Merchant Seamen schedule

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Discover more about your family members who served in the United States Merchant Marine in 1930. Learn fascinating details like their birth place and their ship’s name.

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What can these records tell me?

There are over 62,000 records in this census schedule, for each merchant sailor of the United States. While the information for each person varies, US Census 1930 Merchant Seamen schedule typically includes:

  • First and last name
  • Marital status
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Birth place
  • Ship name
  • County
  • State

Discover more about US Census 1930 Merchant Seamen

The United States sometimes issues special schedules to accompany a census in order to find out additional information about the population. In the 1930 census, this merchant seamen schedule was issued to count the numbers of sailors and ships operating out of U.S. ports. The merchant marine proved to be a vital service during World War I, as it helped carry supplies and soldiers to assist American allies in the war. The merchant marine was so important to the government that the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 was passed just six years after this census, to encourage the growth of the merchant marine for commercial as well as national defense reasons.

These records not only demonstrate the essential role of seaborne trade to the United States, it can also provide many new details about your ancestor. Explore these records and discover the vital information about your ancestor you need to enrich your family history and continue your genealogical research.

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Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.

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