Dublin City Census 1901: Rotunda Ward

Search Dublin City Census 1901- Rotunda Ward

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Dublin City Census 1901- Rotunda Ward

For every property the following information is given:

  • Street name
  • Street number
  • Class of house - 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class and whether a tenement
  • Whether occupied

For each person in a household the following is given:

  • Forename and surname
  • Relation to Head of household
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Marital status
  • County of birth - may sometimes be a country, if not Ireland
  • Irish Language - whether the person spoke Irish
  • DDBI - whether deaf, dumb, blind, or imbecile
  • Disease - for some hospital returns, the ailment is given
  • Time Effected - for some hospital returns the time affected by the ailment is given.

When you have made a search, you are able to view the records for all persons present at the same address when the census was made. You can also look at records of occupants of adjacent properties.


The extraction of the Rotunda Ward census data was done by Gráinne Hiney.

About these records

This collection records details of 13,556 people residing in 1,334 properties in the Rotunda Ward of Dublin city. This is a full transcript of the 1901 census returns for these 67 streets in the north inner city. There was a concentration of tenements in parts of this ward, representing some of the poorest sectors of the city’s population the majority of whom are classed as labourers, as well as garment makers and domestic servants. But other parts of the ward were better off, with teachers, accountants, craftsmen and solicitors.