British Armed Forces and Overseas Browse

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Browse through thousands of records from The National Archives related to births, marriages, and deaths of British civilians and members of the armed forces. The records include individuals who were working or travelling abroad or who were serving their countries overseas. A full list of the records available in this collection is provided below.

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What can these records tell me?

The details found in each record will depend on the original source. Within this collection you will find:

  • Registrations of British armed forces (including serving members who were not British nationals) posted overseas.
  • Births of the children of passengers, seamen, and Royal Marines, of both British and other nationalities
  • Regimental registers and chaplains' returns for army births, marriages, and deaths which took place in the British Isles.
  • A card index of naval officers who were killed between 1914 and 1920, including some Royal Marines and Naval Reserve officers, as well as officers of the Canadian and Australian navies.
  • A card index of ships lost from 1914 to 1919.
  • A war graves roll from 1914 to 1919.
  • Statistical casualty books 1914-1933.
  • Registers and indexes of births, deaths, and marriages at sea from 1891 to 1972 maintained by the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen. The registers include both British and foreign subjects, passengers and seamen.

You can search the records by Description, which explains the subject of the records; by Place or Country; by Type, which can be ‘at sea’, ‘consular’, or ‘armed forces’; and by The National Archives’ Archive reference. A full list of the references and their descriptions are provided below.

If you want to search the records by name, select one of the record sets available in the Useful links and resources section.

Available sources

All off the sources provided in this list are held at The National Archives, Kew.

ADM 1/8465/194 Deaths on board HM Ships

ADM 102/374 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital: deaths of seamen

ADM 102/842 Death certificates from Naval hospitals & hospital ships

ADM 104/127 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings A - Blyth

ADM 104/128 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Blythe - Clapham

ADM 104/129 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Clapp - Diment

ADM 104/130 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Dimmer - Gane

ADM 104/131 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Ganley - Hearson

ADM 104/132 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Hearsum - Jones K W

ADM 104/133 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Jones L - McHaffie

ADM 104/134 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings McHale - Nattrass

ADM 104/135 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Naughton - Pumford

ADM 104/136 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Pumphrey - Shorten

ADM 104/137 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Shorthouse - Thompson B

ADM 104/138 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Thompson R - Williams M

ADM 104/139 Registers of reports of deaths: Naval ratings Williams N - Z

ADM 185/69 Royal Marines Light Infantry marriage register

ADM 193/9 Royal Marine Artillery Division, Portsmouth, marriage & baptism register

ADM 305/103 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/104 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/105 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/106 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/107 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/108 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/109 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/110 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/111 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register

ADM 305/112 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register (rough copy)

ADM 305/113 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register (rough copy)

ADM 305/114 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital burial register (copy)

ADM 305/86 Haslar Royal Naval Hospital baptism register

ADM 338/142 Royal Marines Depot, Walmer, Kent: baptism register

ADM 6/432 Sheerness town & garrison, Kent: baptism register

ADM 7/1 Miscellaneous Navy birth, marriage & death certificates

ADM 73/460 Royal Hospital Greenwich burial register

ADM 73/461 Royal Hospital Greenwich burial register

ADM 73/463 Royal Hospital Greenwich cemetery grave register

ADM 73/464 Royal Hospital Greenwich cemetery grave register

ADM 73/465 Royal Hospital Greenwich cemetery grave register

ADM 81/25 Royal Marines, Woolwich Division, baptism register

BT 150/1 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: England

BT 150/2 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: England

BT 150/3 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: Ireland

BT 150/4 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: Ireland

BT 150/5 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: Scotland

BT 150/6 Registers of Births at Sea of British Nationals: Scotland

BT 158/1 Registers of births, deaths & marriages of passengers at sea

BT 158/2 Registers of births, deaths & marriages of passengers at sea

BT 158/3 Registers of births, deaths & marriages of passengers at sea

BT 158/4 Registers of births, deaths & marriages of passengers at sea

BT 158/5 Registers of births & deaths of passengers at sea

BT 158/6 Registers of deaths of passengers at sea

BT 159/1 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/10 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/2 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/3 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/4a Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/4b Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/5 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/6 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/7 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/8 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 159/9 Registers of deaths at sea

BT 26/66/85 SS Galicia travelling from Valparaiso to Liverpool. Embarking at Valparaiso, Montevideo, &

Rio de Janeiro. Official Number: 69249. List of passengers disembarking at Liverpool. [Passengers included

one female child born during the voyage. Nationality: Spanish. No date of birth given].

BT 26/71/39 SS Pennland travelling from Philadelphia to Liverpool. Embarking at Philadelphia. Official

Number: [No official number listed]. List of passengers disembarking at Queenstown & Liverpool.

[Passengers included one child that died during the voyage]. [Passengers included one female that was born

during the voyage. Nationality: British. No date of birth given].

BT 85/74/65 SS India (British India Steam Navigation Company Ltd) travelling from Brisbane to London. Embarking at Brisbane, Rockhampton, Townsville, Cairns, Cooktown & Aden. Official Number: 85861. List of passengers disembarking at Plymouth & London. [Passengers included one male child born during the voyage. Nationality: British. No date of birth given ]. [Passengers included two individuals that died during the voyage].

FO 1016/122 Persian Gulf: Beirut War Cemetery

FO 1016/729 Persian Gulf: British cemetery at Bait al Falaj

FO 1016/787 Persian Gulf: Christian cemeteries at Salalah, Masirah and Bait al Falaj

FO 1040/4 Israel: Imperial War Graves Cemetery at Mount Scopus

FO 1045/3 Re-interment of British dead at Shuhogahara Cemetery, Kobe, Japan

FO 1113/2 Zurich: Commonwealth war graves: exhumation of remains of servicemen from civilian graves

to war graves cemetery

FO 120/1186 Austria: Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Klagenfurt War Cemetery

FO 128/454 British cemetery at Bahia, Brazil

FO 141/441 /4 Members of the Egyptian Labour Corps who died in service & the registration of graves in military cemeteries & elsewhere, Egypt

FO 141/811/12 Egypt: British cemetery at Port Said.

FO 153/9 Consulate Cologne, Prussia: notices of marriages

FO 163/98 Consulate and legation Wurtemburg: birth & death certificates

FO 170/1222 Testaccio Cemetery, Rome, Italy

FO 174/205/7 Morocco: Consulate and Legation, Tangiar and Embassy, Rabat and Christian Cemetery,


FO 174/390 British cemetery at El Jadida, Morocco

FO 177/542 British Cemetery at Iquitos, Peru

FO 179/548 St George's Church & cemetery, Lisbon, Portugal

FO 179/552 Portugal: Church and cemetery

FO 179/577 Portugal: Old Protestant Cemetery and Morrison Chapel, Macao

FO 179/578 Portugal: Old Protestant Cemetery and Morrison Chapel, Macao

FO 179/579 Portugal: Old Protestant Cemetery and Morrison Chapel, Macao

FO 181/1067 Foreign cemetery - Moscow

FO 181/1172 Second World War cemetery at Murmansk

FO 185/1777 British cemetery at Madrid, Spain

FO 195/2450/115 Turkey: Cemetery at Scutari.

FO 195/2450/81 Turkey: British cemetery at Gallipoli.

FO 195/2452/1014 Turkey: Anglo-German Protestant cemetery at Jerusalem.

FO 195/2452/1349 Turkey: British cemetery at the Dardanelles.

FO 195/2458/365 Turkey: Gallipoli cemetery.

FO 195/2458/449 Turkey: The British cemetery at the Dardanelles.

FO 195/2486/617 British cemetery at Alexandretta, Turkey

FO 195/2531 Turkey: Crimean cemetery at Haydarpasa

FO 195/2723 Crimean Cemetery at Haidar-Pasa, Turkey

FO 204/619/2 Mexico: British Cemetery

FO 204/630/238 Mexico: British Cemetery

FO 211/236 Denmark Embassy, Consulate & Legation: marriage affidavits

FO 211/390 Embassy, Consulate and Legation: Denmark: McAlister Marriages Vol 59

FO 211/633/31/190 Denmark Embassy, Consulate & Legation: death certificates

FO 211/673 Embassy, Consulate & Legation: Denmark: War graves, Allied Air Force personnel buried in Denmark

FO 214/57 Balearic Islands: Title deeds to graves in Mallorca cemeteries

FO 226/165 Beirut: The British cemetery at Jaffa

FO 226/87 Beirut: Jerusalem: Protestant cemetery

FO 228/2128 China: Volume 3 (Hankow Cemetery and Mixed Court; Hoihow Boycott).

FO 233/133/48 China: Missionaries: Hankow Cemetery. 133 /48

FO 233/210 British Cemetery at Tsingtao, China: plans & correspondence

FO 233/211 China: Record Plan of British Cemetery, Peking.

FO 233/212 China: Plans, correspondence & register of graves of Weihsien Cemetery.

FO 233/213 China: Amoy: Kulangau Cemetery, Hospital Trust, Foochow: restoration of St John's Church.

FO 233/214 British Cemetery at Tsingtao, China: register & photograph album of graves

FO 286/1393 Anglo-French Crimean Cemetery at New Phaleron, Greece

FO 292/2 Legation Dresden, Saxony: birth register

FO 292/3 Legation Dresden, Saxony: birth register

FO 292/4 Legation Dresden, Saxony: marriage register

FO 299/22 Consulate Leipzig, Saxony: death register

FO 332/17 British cemetery at Malaga, Spain

FO 332/18 Spain, Seville: British cemetery in Marbella

FO 332/19 British cemetery at Almeria, Seville, Spain

FO 337/5 Embassy and Consulate Norway: burial of British seamen

FO 339/164 Tunis: St George's Church and Cemetery

FO 352/43C/11C Marriages solemnised at the House of British Minister at Florence

FO 366/3436 Christian cemetery at Kabul, Afghanistan

FO 369/2482 Bulgaria: Protestant cemetery at Varna.

FO 369/2485 Colombia: British cemetery at Bogota

FO 369/2515 Protestant cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 369/2537 Italy: British cemetery in Naples

FO 369/2541 Spain: British cemetery in Madrid

FO 369/2544 Protestant cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 369/2558 Syria: Protestant cemetery at Aleppo

FO 369/2704 British cemetery at Shiraz

FO 369/2710 British cemetery at Madrid

FO 369/2895 British cemetery at Shiraz

FO 369/2896 British cemetery at Qum

FO 369/2909 Almeria - British cemetery

FO 369/3028 British war cemetery at Sevastopol

FO 369/3310 English cemetery at Port Mahon

FO 369/3356 Great War cemetery at Skoplje

FO 369/3480 British war cemeteries in Ethiopia

FO 369/3516 British military cemeteries at Bayonne and La Baule

FO 369/3659 British cemetery at Shiraz

FO 369/3660 British military cemetery at Akbarabad

FO 369/3841 British cemetery at Jelgava, Latvia

FO 369/3844 Madeleine cemetery at Courtrai, Belgium

FO 369/4000 Anglo-French cemetery at Phaleron

FO 369/4002 British community cemetery at Syra

FO 369/4008A British cemetery at Messina

FO 369/4011 The Testaccio (non Roman Catholic) cemetery of Rome

FO 369/4014 British war dead in the Firestone plantation cemeteries at Harbel and Cape Palmas

FO 369/4024 Naval graves in the British cemetery at Funchal

FO 369/4026 Upkeep of the old British cemetery at Macao. Disposal of the British cemetery at Figueira da


FO 369/4261 British cemetery at Figueira da Foz

FO 369/4440 International cemetery at Hankow, China

FO 369/4478 Egypt: British Protestant Cemetery, Alexandria

FO 369/4543 Iraq: British Civil Cemetery, Mosul

FO 369/4548 Israel: British cemetery at Mount Zion

FO 369/4712 Czechoslovakia: the Olsang War Graves Cemetery in Prague and the Czechoslovak war

graves in the UK

FO 369/4733 Italian Colonies: graves in the civil cemetery at Mogadishu, Italian Somaliland

FO 369/4942 Protestant cemetery at Luanda (Angola) Portuguese Africa; transfer of remains to new municipal cemetery

FO 369/4952 British cemetery at Maracaibo, Venezuela

FO 369/5044 Protestant church and cemetery in Macao

FO 369/5045 Anglo-American Cemetery in Romania

FO 369/5048 Allied War Cemetery at Murmansk and Archangel

FO 369/5053 Protestant Cemetery at Iskenderun,. Turkey

FO 369/5068 British cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 369/5144 Removal of British and American cemeteries in Tien Tsin, China to new sites; and poor condition of British graves in Peking cemetery

FO 369/5189 Protestant cemetery at Iskenderun; war graves in Turkey

FO 369/5222 British graves in the Foreigners' Cemetery at Managua

FO 369/5425 British graves in Klagenfurt War Cemetery, Austria

FO 369/5428 Removal of British & US graves from Luwan (formerly Lokawai) to Chian Cemetery, China

FO 369/5441 Removal of graves from Abeno Foreign Cemetery, Japan

FO 369/5442 Removal of graves from Abeno Foreign Cemetery, Japan

FO 369/5443 British Graves in Tlaxpana Cemetery, Mexico City

FO 369/5494 British cemetery at Malaga, Spain: including copies of ownership papers dated 1825-1830

FO 369/5524 Transfer of graves from Kasugano cemetery to Shuhogahara cemetery in Kobe district

FO 369/5614 Commonwealth war cemetery at Klagenfurt and Mauthausen, Austria

FO 369/5619 War cemeteries at Hadria and Alexandria, UAR

FO 369/5625 Commonwealth and French war cemetery at Phaleron, Greece

FO 369/5631 Jerusalem war cemetery, Mount Scopus

FO 369/5636 Commonwealth cemeteries at Archangel'sk and Murmansk

FO 369/5643 Commonwealth war cemetery at Ramleh, Israel

FO 369/5649 Commonwealth war cemetery, Beirut; boundaries

FO 369/5650 Diego Suarez war cemetery, Malagasy Republic

FO 369/5651 British 1914-1918 war cemetery at Skopje, Yugoslavia

FO 369/5654 War cemeteries at Kut, Iraq

FO 369/5704 War cemeteries at Klagenfurt and Mathausen, Austria

FO 369/5706 Anglo-American cemetery at La Paz, Bolivia

FO 369/5718 Mount Scopus war cemetery, Jerusalem

FO 369/5721 British war cemeteries at Murmansk & Archangel, Russia

FO 369/5726 Commonwealth war cemetery at Khartoum, Sudan

FO 369/5732 Diego Suarez war cemetery, Malagasy Republic

FO 369/5733 Basra war cemetery, Iraq

FO 369/5734 War cemeteries at Damascus and Aleppo, Syria

FO 369/5798 Commonwealth war cemeteries at Alexandria and Suez

FO 369/5800 Commonwealth War Graves agreement with Greece : Anglo-French Crimean cemetery

FO 369/5801 Jerusalem war cemetery, Mount Scopus

FO 369/5802 Kanchanaburi war cemetery, Thailand

FO 369/5804 Haidor Pasha cemetery, Turkey

FO 369/5810 Ambon war cemetery, Indonesia : Dutch war cemetery at Medan

FO 371/110640 UN Military Cemetery, Pusan

FO 371/110872 War cemetery on Mount Scopus: Jewish cemetery on Mount of Olives

FO 371/111512 British Military Cemetery in Hungary

FO 371/111660 British War Cemeteries in Roumania

FO 371/113754 Former British protestant cemetery in Cairo

FO 371/115366 UN Military Cemetery, Pusan

FO 371/115367 UN Military Cemetery, Pusan

FO 371/115630 Imperial War Graves Cemetery on Mount Scopus

FO 371/115631 Imperial War Graves Cemetery on Mount Scopus

FO 371/115632 Imperial War Graves Cemetery on Mount Scopus

FO 371/115633 Imperial War Graves Cemetery on Mount Scopus

FO 371/115634 Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives

FO 371/121458 Imperial War Graves Commission Cemetery on Mount Scopus

FO 371/121459 Mount of Olives Cemetery

FO 371/132375 US military cemetery at Madingley, Cambridgeshire

FO 371/134101 Cemetery for Jews on Mount of Olives, Jerusalem

FO 371/141581 UN Cemetery, Korea

FO 371/141895 Cemetery on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem

FO 371/150700 UN Memorial Cemetery, Pusan

FO 371/150894 Cemetery at Mount Scopus

FO 371/150895 Cemetery at Mount Scopus

FO 371/158782 Mount Scopus cemetery

FO 371/176080 UN Memorial Cemetery, Pusan

FO 371/21899 British cemeteries at Henjam & Basidu, Iran

FO 371/23262 British cemeteries at Henjam and Basidu

FO 371/67822 British church property & cemeteries at Leghorn

FO 371/98722 List of persons buried in the Christian Cemetery at Khorramshuh; damage to graves in the


FO 375/1 Consulates Luanda & Sao Tome, Portuguese West Africa: birth register

FO 375/2 Consulates Luanda & Sao Tome, Portuguese West Africa: marriage register

FO 375/3 Consulates Luanda & Sao Tome, Portuguese West Africa: lex loci marriage register

FO 375/4 Consulates Luanda & Sao Tome, Portuguese West Africa: death register

FO 376/1 Consulate Aux Cayes, Haiti: birth register

FO 376/2 Consulate Aux Cayes, Haiti: death register

FO 377/3 Consulate Riga, Russian empire: birth register

FO 377/4 Consulate Riga, Russian empire: death register

FO 378/3 Consulate Leningrad/St Petersburg: lex loci marriage register

FO 378/8 Consulate Leningrad/St Petersburg: death register

FO 378/9 Consulate Leningrad/St Petersburg: death register

FO 383/137 Belgium: prisoners, including William F Lee formerly interned at Wittenberg Camp, Germany &

Arthur G Slater interned at Ruhleben Camp, Germany

FO 384/1 Consulate Nantes, France: marriage register

FO 440/10 Consulate Libau, Latvia: death register

FO 443/16 European cemetery in Morocco

FO 443/35 Morocco: European cemetery at Fez

FO 443/40 Morocco: European cemetery, Rabat

FO 446/10 Argentina, Buenos Aires: British Cemetery Corporation

FO 446/31 Argentina, Buenos Aires: British cemetery at Trelew

FO 447/49 USSR: British cemetery at Archangel

FO 447/50 USSR: Foreign cemetery at Moscow

FO 447/56 USSR: British military cemetery at Tiflis

FO 45/731 Protestant Cemetery at Rome, Italy

FO 45/921 British burial ground at Naples

FO 45/922 British burial ground at Naples

FO 45/923 British burial ground at Naples

FO 509/1 Consulate Konigsberg, Germany: marriage register

FO 509/2 Consulate Konigsberg, Germany: marriage register

FO 509/4 Consulate Konigsberg, Germany: death register

FO 51/142 British cemetery at Montevideo Vol 1

FO 51/205 Uruguay: British Cemetery at Monte Video.

FO 51/211 Uruguay: British Cemetery at Monte Video.

FO 51/214 Uruguay: British Cemetery at Monte Video.

FO 51/248 Uruguay: British Cemetery at Monte Video (Mr Littlejohn's Claim etc.)

FO 51/249 Uruguay: British Cemetery at Monte Video (Mr Littlejohn's Claim etc.)

FO 514/8 Consulate Tallinn, Estonia: death register

FO 514/9 Consulate Tallinn, Estonia: death register

FO 518/1 Consulate Moscow, Russia: lex loci marriage register

FO 518/2 Consulate Moscow, Russia: lex loci marriage register

FO 518/4 Consulate Moscow, Russia: death register

FO 531/2 Consulate Porsgrund, Norway: birth register

FO 532/2 Consulate Drammen, Norway: death register

FO 559/1 Consulate Ponta Delgada, Portugal: Register of deaths, births, marriages & burials

FO 560/1 Bushire, Iran: register of Births, Baptisms, Marriages & Deaths

FO 564/1 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 564/13 Legation Peking, China: birth register

FO 564/14 Legation Peking, China: death register

FO 564/2 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 564/3 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 564/4 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 564/5 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 564/6 Legation Peking, China: marriage notices

FO 581/15 Legation New Orleans, USA: birth register

FO 585/1 Consulate Bremen & Bremerhaven, Germany: birth register

FO 585/2 Consulate Bremen and Bremerhaven, Germany: Forms of Declaration of an intended marriage

FO 585/4 Consulate Bremen & Bremerhaven, Germany: marriage notices

FO 585/5 Consulate Bremen & Bremerhaven, Germany: lex loci marriage register

FO 602/48 Ottoman Empire: Protestant cemetery at Naaghil, Basra

FO 604/1 District of Dusseldorf consulate: birth register

FO 604/2 District of Dusseldorf consulate: death register

FO 604/3 District of Dusseldorf Consulate: marriage register

FO 604/5 District of Dusseldorf consulate: lex loci marriage register

FO 604/7 District of the Vice-consulate at Aix la Chapelle: death register

FO 604/8 Christ Church, Dusseldorf: baptism register

FO 606/61 Belgium, Antwerp: British seamen's plot at Schoonselhof cemetery

FO 617/3 Consulate Jerusalem, Ottoman Empire: birth register

FO 617/5 Consulate Jerusalem, Ottoman Empire: death register

FO 624/1/67 Iraq: Assyrian cemetery, Mosul

FO 624/2/35 Iraq: Assyrian cemetery, Mosul

FO 624/3/110 Iraq: Assyrian cemetery, Mosul

FO 624/6/171 Iraq: War graves, cemeteries, Mosul

FO 624/7/488 Iraq: Assyrian cemetery, Mosul

FO 624/8/49 Iraq: Cemeteries, Mosul

FO 625/2 Consulate & Embassy Bucharest, Romania: birth register

FO 625/3 Consulate & Embassy Bucharest, Romania: death register

FO 625/5 British Chaplaincy on the Lower Danube: baptism register

FO 625/8 Anglo-American war cemetery at Bucharest, Romania

FO 631/10 Morocco, Mogador: Church and cemetery

FO 637/83 Spain, Barcelona: Protestant cemetery

FO 637/84 Spain, Barcelona: Alcudia cemetery

FO 637/86 British Cemetery at Port Mahon, Balearic Islands

FO 64/1348 Prussia: Protestant Bishopric and Cemetery at Jerusalem.

FO 64/1490 Prussia: Protestant Cemetery at Jerusalem.

FO 643/156 Burma: Rangoon war cemetery

FO 65/15 Russian Empire: British cemetery at Messina

FO 661/5 Consulate Libau, Latvia: death register

FO 663/85 Consulate Amoy, China: birth register

FO 663/89 Consulate Amoy, China: death register

FO 663/90 Consulate Amoy, China: death register

FO 663/91 Consulate Amoy, China: death register

FO 663/92 Consulate Amoy, China: death register

FO 663/93 Consulate Amoy, China: marriage register

FO 663/94 Consulate Amoy, China: marriage register

FO 665/3 Consulate Foochow, China: birth register

FO 665/5 Consulate Foochow, China: death register

FO 665/6 Consulate Foochow, China: death register

FO 667/4 Consulate Ichang, China: death register

FO 667/5 Consulate Ichang, China: marriage register

FO 670/2 Consulate Ningpo, China: birth register

FO 670/3 Consulate Ningpo, China: death register

FO 670/4 Consulate Ningpo, China: marriage register

FO 671/577 Foreign cemeteries in China

FO 671/578 Foreign cemeteries in China

FO 671/581 Foreign cemeteries in China

FO 672/1 Consulate Shanghai, China: birth register

FO 672/2 Consulate Shanghai, China: death register

FO 672/3 Consulate Shanghai, China: marriage register

FO 673/10 Consulate Ningpo, China: death register

FO 673/9 Consulate Ningpo, China: birth register

FO 676/491 Cemeteries in China

FO 678/1305 China: Tsinan: foreign Cemetery, Tsinan

FO 678/1438 China: Yunnanfu: Lot No 21 British American Cemetery.

FO 678/268 China: Chefoo: Lots Nos. 119, 122, 133 Recreation Ground and East Beach Cemetery.

FO 678/3175 China: Plan of Takow cemetery

FO 678/50 China: Amoy: Foreign Cemetery, Kulangsu

FO 678/549 China: Hankow: Ichong Recreation Ground and Cemetery

FO 684/2/25/37 Syria, Damascus: Damascus war cemetery.

FO 684/5/31/3379 Syria, Damascus: Missionary institutions: Damascus Protestant Cemetery

FO 684/5/32/86 Syria, Damascus: Imperial War Graves Commission: cemetery.

FO 684/6/33/3379 Syria, Damascus: Damascus Protestant cemetery.

FO 684/8/35/63 Syria, Damascus: Missionary institutions: Bludan Protestant Cemetery

FO 684/8/35/85 Syria, Damascus: British war graves: cemeteries in Mezzeh.

FO 687/23 Consulate Papeete, French Polynesia: birth register

FO 687/5 Consulate Papeete, French Polynesia: birth, marriage & death register

FO 688/18/2 Poland: British military cemetery at Posen

FO 688/18/3 Poland: Proposal by the Imperial War Graves Commission for graves of British soldiers to be

moved from Danzig to a permanent cemetery

FO 700/23 United States various consulates: birth register

FO 701/13 United States consulate Galveston: death reports

FO 710/1 Consulate Tananarive & Embassy, Malagasy Republic: birth register

FO 710/35 British military cemeteries in Madagascar

FO 712/1 Consulate Dieppe, France: birth register

FO 712/2 Consulate Dieppe, France: birth register

FO 712/3 Consulate Dieppe, France: death register

FO 713/2 Consulate Le Treport, France: death register

FO 716/1 Embassy & consulate Darmstadt, Germany (formerly Hesse): birth register

FO 716/2 Embassy & consulate Darmstadt, Germany (formerly Hesse): death register

FO 72/2158 British Cemetery at Bilbao, Spain

FO 72/838 Spain: British burial ground Vol 2

FO 72/884 Spain: British burial ground Vol 3

FO 723/1 Embassy & legation Mexico City: birth register

FO 723/2 Embassy & legation Mexico City: death register

FO 723/90 Mexico, Mexico City: British Society and British Cemetery

FO 723/92 British Cemetery at Mexico City: burial notices

FO 736/3 Consulates Cartagena & Santa Marta, Colombia: death register

FO 743/11 Embassy & Legation, Rio de Janiero, Brazil: birth register

FO 743/12 British cemetery at Parà, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

FO 743/13 British cemetery at Parà, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

FO 748/26 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: marriages reported by local authorities

FO 748/27 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/32 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/39 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/45 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/49 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/58 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths

FO 748/66 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/73 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/76 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/83 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 748/86 Legation Stockholm, Sweden: deaths notified by local authorities

FO 762/32 Italy, Genoa: British cemetery at Bordighera

FO 767/6 Consulate St Vincent, Cape Verde: Marriage notice book

FO 767/7 Consulate St Vincent, Cape Verde: Marriage oath book

FO 78/2012 Ottoman Empire: Naval and Military Cemeteries, vol. 1.

FO 78/2013 Ottoman Empire: Naval and Military Cemeteries, vol. 2.

FO 78/2733 British burial ground at Smyrna Vol 1

FO 78/2744 British burial ground at Smyrna Vol 2

FO 78/3196 Ottoman Empire: Naval and Military Cemeteries. Vol. 3.

FO 78/3502 Ottoman Empire: Bournahat Cemetery at Smyrna.

FO 78/5055 Ottoman Empire: Naval and Military Cemeteries on the Bosphorus (Scutari etc.) Vol. 4.

FO 781/35 Turkey, Istanbul: 682 Crimea Cemetery, Hayderpasa

FO 796/187 Urakami Cemetery, Nagasaki, Japan

FO 796/236 Consulate Nagasaki, Japan: death register

FO 817/78 Czechoslovakia: War graves: Olsany Cemetery

FO 818/15 Consulate Gothenburg, Sweden: baptism register

FO 83/1138 Marriages at embassies & legations, Athens, Berlin, Berne, Bucharest, Bogeta, Brussels

FO 83/1141 Marriages at embassies & legations, Constantinople, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, Dresden,

Florence, Hague, Lisbon, Madrid, Montevideo, Munich

FO 83/1144 Marriages at embassies & legations, Paris

FO 83/1145 Marriages at embassies & legations, Paris

FO 83/1147 Marriages at embassies & legations, Pekin, Rio, Rome, St Petersburg, Stockholm, Stuttgart,

Tokio, Vienna, Yokohama

FO 83/1492 Marriages abroad, A-M

FO 83/1493 Marriages abroad, miscellaneous

FO 83/1494 Marriages abroad, N-Z

FO 83/1495 Marriages abroad, A-F

FO 83/1496 Marriages abroad, G-M

FO 83/1497 Marriages abroad, miscellaneous

FO 83/1498 Marriages abroad, N-Z

FO 83/1582 Marriages abroad, A-G

FO 83/1583 Marriages abroad, I-Z

FO 83/1645 Marriages abroad, A-J

FO 83/1646 Marriages abroad, M-Z

FO 83/1705 Marriages abroad, A-M

FO 83/1706 Marriages abroad, N-Z

FO 83/1765 Marriages abroad

FO 83/1815 Marriages abroad, A-G

FO 83/1816 Marriages abroad, I-Z

FO 83/1926 Marriages abroad, A-F

FO 83/1927 Marriages abroad, G-Z

FO 83/1966 Marriages abroad, A-F

FO 83/1967 Marriages abroad, G-Z

FO 83/2061 Marriages abroad, A-F

FO 83/2062 Marriages abroad, G-Z

FO 831/7 Saffi cemetery, Morocco: proposed transfer of bodies

FO 835/134 Morocco, Casablanca: British cemetery

FO 835/138 British cemetery at Casablanca, Morocco

FO 835/145 Morocco, Casablanca: British cemetery

FO 835/188 British church & cemetery at Casablanca, Morocco

FO 842/15 Italy, Trieste: Sant'Anna Cemetery

FO 847/102/48 Abdul Moneim Cemetery, Alexandria, Egypt

FO 861/109 British war cemeteries and memorial at Aleppo

FO 861/115 Protestant cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 861/124 British Protestant Cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 861/125 British Protestant Cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 861/126 British Protestant Cemetery at Aleppo, Syria

FO 863/3 Brazil, Sao Paolo: Foreigners' cemetery at Santos

FO 866/14 Legation & consulate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Registers of births, deaths & marriages

FO 866/21 Legation & consulate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: marriage register

FO 866/22 Legation & consulate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: marriage register

FO 868/2 Consulate Philippopolis, Bulgaria: birth register

FO 884/3 Consulate Varna, Bulgaria: death register

FO 884/4 Consulate Varna, Bulgaria: death register

FO 884/5 Consulate Varna, Bulgaria: death register

FO 886/1 Embassy & consular Sulina: birth register

FO 886/2 Embassy & consular Sulina: birth register

FO 887/1 Consulate Kustendie, Ottoman Empire: birth register

FO 887/2 Consulate Kustendie, Ottoman Empire: death register

FO 888/1 Consulate Rustschuk, Ottoman Empire: birth register

FO 888/2 Consulate Rutschuk, Ottoman Empire: Register of deaths

FO 891/151 Egypt, Alexandria: Old British protestant cemetery

FO 891/173 Egypt, Alexandria: Old British protestant cemetery

FO 891/174 Egypt, Alexandria: War Memorial Cemetery at Chatby

FO 891/190 Old British Cemetery at Rue Abdel Moneim, Alexandria, Egypt

FO 891/191 Old British Cemetery at Rue Abdel Moneim, Alexandria, Egypt

FO 891/237 Egypt, Alexandria: British Protestant cemeteries, Alexandria: burials

FO 891/60 Old British Protestant cemetery at Alexandria, Egypt

FO 891/75 Egypt, Alexandria: British Protestant cemetery

FO 904/13 British cemetery at Leghorn, Italy

FO 904/5 Italy, Florence: British church and cemetery at Leghorn

FO 904/8 Italy, Florence: English Church property and cemetery at Leghorn

FO 905/16 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/34 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/36 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/47 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/63 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/67 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery at Jedda (vol 1)

FO 905/68 European cemetery at Jedda, Saudi Arabia

FO 905/69 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery at Jedda (vol 3)

FO 905/70 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery at Jedda (vol 4)

FO 905/71 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery at Jedda

FO 905/72 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery

FO 905/73 Saudi Arabia: European cemetery

FO 908/5 Protestant Cemetery at Hakodate, Yokohama, Japan

FO 910/10 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/11 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/12 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/13 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/14 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/15 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/16 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/17 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/18 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/3 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: death register

FO 910/4 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: death register

FO 910/5 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: death register

FO 910/6 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: death register

FO 910/7 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: marriage register

FO 910/8 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 910/9 Consulate Lausanne, Switzerland: lex loci marriage register

FO 923/12 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/15 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/16 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/17 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/2 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): register of foreign marriages

FO 923/23 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/24 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/4 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 923/8 Various Consulates, Iran (formerly Persia): death register

FO 927/28 British cemetery at Malaga, Spain

FO 97/373 Naples: British burial ground

FO 97/385 British burial ground in Spain

FO 97/449 Marriages abroad

FO 97/451 Marriages abroad

FO 97/453 Marriages abroad

FO 97/488 Marriages abroad

FO 97/490 Marriages abroad

FO 97/491 Marriages abroad

FO 97/495 Marriages abroad

FO 97/498 Marriages abroad

FO 97/500 Marriages abroad

FO 97/501 Marriages abroad

FO 97/502 Marriages abroad

FO 97/503 Marriages abroad

FO 97/504 Marriages abroad

FO 97/519 British cemetery at Luanda

FO 97/563 Marriages abroad

FO 97/564 Marriages abroad

FO 97/577 Anglo-French Cemetery at Phalerum (Piraeus). Protestant Cemetery at Athens etc.

FO 97/598 British Cemetery at Suakin

FO 97/600 Protestant cemetery at Para (Feri Keui), Turkey

FO 97/618 British Cemetery at Suez

FO 97/619 British Cemetery at Suez

FO 981/1 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 981/10 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 981/2 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 981/4 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 981/8 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 981/9 Morocco, Fez: Christian cemetery

FO 993/1 Möllendal Cemetery, Bergen, Norway

FO 995/12 Italy: Cemeteries: Testaccio and others

RG 32/1 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/14 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/15 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/16 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/2 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/3 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/36 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/37 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/38 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/39 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/4 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Returns.

RG 32/40 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/41 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/42 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/43 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/44 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/45 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/46 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/47 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/48 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/49 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/50 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/52 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/53 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns. Entries.

RG 32/54 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/55 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/56 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/57 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/58 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 32/59 Miscellaneous Foreign Returns

RG 33/1 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/10 Foreign Registers & returns: Burma

RG 33/100 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/103 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/106 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/107 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/11 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/110 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/111 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/112 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/113 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/114 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/115 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/116 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns. Italy.

RG 33/117 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/118 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/119 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/12 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/120 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/121 Foreign Registers & returns: Italy

RG 33/122 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/123 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/124 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/125 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/126 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/127 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/129 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/13 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/130 Foreign Registers & returns: Japan

RG 33/131 Foreign Registers & Returns: Malaya

RG 33/132 Foreign Registers & Returns: Malaya

RG 33/133 Foreign Registers & Returns: Iraq

RG 33/134 Foreign Registers & Returns: Iraq

RG 33/135 Foreign Registers & Returns: Iraq

RG 33/136 Foreign Registers & Returns: Iraq

RG 33/137 Foreign Registers & Returns: Iraq

RG 33/138 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns.

RG 33/139 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns.

RG 33/14 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/140 Foreign Registers & returns: Mexico

RG 33/141 Foreign Registers & Returns: Palestine

RG 33/142 Foreign Registers & returns: Portugal

RG 33/143 Foreign Registers & Returns: Lower Danube, Romania

RG 33/144 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/145 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/146 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/147 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/148 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/149 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/15 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/150 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/151 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/152 Foreign Registers & returns: Russia

RG 33/153 Foreign Registers & returns: Sweden

RG 33/154 Foreign Registers & returns: Constantinople, Turkey

RG 33/155 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns.

RG 33/156 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns.

RG 33/157 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/159 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/16 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/161 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns. Indices.

RG 33/162 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns. Indices.

RG 33/163 Foreign Registers & returns: Cyprus

RG 33/17 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/18 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/2 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/21 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/22 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/23 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/24 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/25 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/26 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/27 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/28 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/29 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/3 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/33 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/34 Foreign Registers & returns: China

RG 33/35 Foreign Registers & returns: Denmark

RG 33/37 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/38 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/39 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/4 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/40 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/41 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/42 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/43 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/44 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/45 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/46 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/47 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/48 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/5 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns. Belgium.

RG 33/50 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/51 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/52 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/53 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/54 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/55 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/56 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/57 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/58 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/59 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/6 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/60 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/61 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/62 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/63 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/64 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/65 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/66 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/67 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/68 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/69 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/7 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/70 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/71 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/72 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/73 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/74 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/75 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/76 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/77 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/78 Foreign Registers & returns: France

RG 33/79 Foreign Registers & returns: Germany

RG 33/8 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/80 Foreign Registers & returns: Germany

RG 33/81 Foreign Registers & returns: Germany

RG 33/82 Foreign Registers & returns: Greece

RG 33/83 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/84 General Register Office: Foreign Registers and Returns. Holland.

RG 33/85 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/86 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/87 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/88 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/89 Foreign Registers & returns: Holland

RG 33/9 Foreign Registers & returns: Belgium

RG 33/91 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/92 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/93 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/96 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 33/98 Foreign Registers & returns: Indian sub-continent

RG 34/1 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/2 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/3 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/4 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/5 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/6 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/7 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/8 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 34/9 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Marriage Returns.

RG 35/1 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Belgium.

RG 35/10 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 35/11 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 35/12 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 35/13 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 35/14 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. French Colonies.

RG 35/15 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. French Colonies.

RG 35/16 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. French Colonies.

RG 35/17 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Netherlands and Colonies

RG 35/18 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Russia.

RG 35/19 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Russia.

RG 35/2 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Belgium.

RG 35/20 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/21 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/22/1 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/22/2 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/23 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/24 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/25 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/26 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/27 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/28 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/29 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/3 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Belgium.

RG 35/30 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/31 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/32 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/33 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/34 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/35 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/36 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/37 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/38 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/39 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/4 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Denmark and Colonies.

RG 35/40 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/41 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/42 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/43 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/44 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Various countries.

RG 35/45 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/46 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/47 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/48 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/49 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/5 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Denmark and Colonies.

RG 35/50 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/51 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/52 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/53 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/54 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/55 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/56 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/57 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/58 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/59 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/6 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Denmark and Colonies.

RG 35/60 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/61 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/62 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/63 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/64 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/65 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/66 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/67 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France & Belgium: British Military

RG 35/68 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/69 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. FRANCE AND BELGIUM:


RG 35/7 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. Denmark and Colonies.

RG 35/8 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 35/9 General Register Office: Miscellaneous Foreign Death Returns. France.

RG 36/1 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. Africa, part


RG 36/10 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/11 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/12 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/13 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/14 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/2 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1904-

1910: part 2

RG 36/3 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1911-1919:

part 1

RG 36/4 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1911-1919:

part 2

RG 36/5 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1916-

1920: part 1

RG 36/6 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1916-

1920: part 2

RG 36/7 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

RG 36/8 Registers & Returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia. 1921-

1923: part 2

RG 36/9 Registers & returns of Births, Marriages & Deaths in the Protectorates of Africa & Asia

SP 110/70 British factory at Aleppo, chaplain's register of baptisms, marriages & burials

WO 156/1 Dover Castle Garrison, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/10 Canterbury Garrison, Kent: burial register

WO 156/100 Aldershot Military Burial Ground, Hampshire: burial register

WO 156/101 Aldershot Military Burial Ground, Hampshire: burial register

WO 156/102 Aldershot Military Burial Ground, Hampshire: burial register

WO 156/103 Bordon Military Burial Ground, Hampshire - Burials

WO 156/104 Chatham Cemetery Chapel, Kent - Burials

WO 156/105 Colchester, Essex - Burials

WO 156/106 Limasol, Troodos & Polimedia, Cyprus: burials

WO 156/107 Cairo, Egypt & Khartoum, Sudan: register of deaths & burials

WO 156/108 Cairo & Port Said, Egypt: burials

WO 156/109 Ismailia, Egypt: burials

WO 156/110 Abbassieh & Helmieh, Egypt: burials

WO 156/111 Malta: military & civilian burials

WO 156/112 Malta: military & civilian burials (register of deaths & burials)

WO 156/113 Malta: military & civilian burials

WO 156/114 Malta: burials

WO 156/115 Rinella military cemetery, Malta - Burials

WO 156/116 Imtarfa Cemetery, Malta: burials

WO 156/117 Malta: burials

WO 156/118 Netley, Hampshire - Burials

WO 156/119 Pasir Panjang, Singapore: burials

WO 156/12 All Saints Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: banns

WO 156/120 Woolwich, London: burials

WO 156/121 Malta: burials

WO 156/122 Mesida, Malta: list of gravestones in Military & Civil Cemetery (1801-1865) & Quarantine

Bastion Cemetery (1819-1867) - Burials

WO 156/123 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: burial register

WO 156/150 St George's Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: marriage register vol 1a

WO 156/151 St George's Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: marriage register vol 2a

WO 156/338 Garrison Church, Devonport, Devon: baptism register

WO 156/340 Royal Chapel of St Katherine-upon-the-Hoe within the Royal Citadel, Plymouth, Devon:

baptism register

WO 156/345 Camp Church, Colchester, Essex: baptism register

WO 156/346 Camp Church, Colchester, Essex: baptism register

WO 156/347 St Peter & St Paul (Royal Artillery), Shoeburyness, Essex: baptism register

WO 156/348 St Peter & St Paul, Shoeburyness, Essex: baptism register

WO 156/353 Camp Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol I

WO 156/354 Camp Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol II

WO 156/355 Camp Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol III

WO 156/356 Camp Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol IV

WO 156/357 Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol V

WO 156/358 Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol VII

WO 156/359 Garrison Church, Aldershot, Hampshire: baptism register vol VII

WO 156/365 Iron Church (later St George), Aldershot, Hampshire: baptisms

WO 156/380 Garrison Chapel, Portsmouth, Hampshire: baptism register

WO 156/381 Royal Garrison Church, St George's Chapel, Portsmouth, Hampshire: baptism register

WO 156/382 Royal Garrison Church, St George's Chapel, Portsmouth, Hampshire: baptism register

WO 156/398 Garrison Church, Canterbury, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/400 Garrison Chapel, Chatham, Kent: baptism register vol I

WO 156/401 Garrison Chapel, Chatham, Kent: baptism register vol II

WO 156/402 Garrison Chapel, Chatham, Kent: baptism register vol III

WO 156/403 Garrison Chapel, Chatham, Kent: baptism register vol IV

WO 156/404 Garrison Chapel, Chatham, Kent: baptism register vol V

WO 156/410 Garrison Church, Shorncliffe, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/411 Garrison Church, Shorncliffe, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/415 Royal Military Chapel, St James's Park, London: baptism register

WO 156/416 Royal Military Chapel, St James's Park, London: baptism register

WO 156/419 Military Chapel, Chelsea Barracks, London: baptism register

WO 156/425 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/426 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/427 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/428 Military Church, Woolwich Dockyard, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/429 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/430 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/431 St George's Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/435 Royal Artillery Chapel, Woolwich, Kent: baptism register

WO 156/450 College Chapel Royal Military College, Sandhurst: Burials

WO 156/470 Garrison Church, Fulford, Yorkshire: baptism register

WO 156/594 Malta: baptisms & marriages

WO 156/595 Malta: baptisms & marriages

WO 156/596 Garrison Church, Malta: baptism register

WO 156/597 Garrison Church, Malta: baptism register

WO 156/598 Garrison Church, Malta: baptism register

WO 156/9 Canterbury Garrison, Kent: burial register

WO 156/99 Aldershot Military Burial Ground, Hampshire: burial register

WO 32/8903 Birth & Baptismal Certificates of militia officers, extracted from destroyed papers. Ay-We

WO 32/8904 Birth & Baptismal Certificates of militia officers, extracted from destroyed papers. Ba-Wo

WO 32/8905 Certificates of births, baptisms, marriages & deaths extracted from old personal papers, Bu-


WO 32/8906 Certificates of births & baptisms of militia officers, Bu-Wy

WO 32/8907 Certificates of births & baptisms of militia officers, Ba-Ya

WO 32/8908 Certificates of births & baptisms of militia officers, A-Fa

WO 32/8909 Certificates of births & baptisms of militia officers, Fe-Ma

WO 32/8910 Certificates of births & baptisms of militia officers, Mi-Wo

WO 32/8911 Certificates of births & baptisms, extracted from old papers A-B

WO 32/8912 Certificates of births & baptisms, extracted from old papers C-F

WO 32/8913 Certificates of births & baptisms, extracted from old papers G-K

WO 32/8914 Certificates of births & baptisms, extracted from old papers L-P

WO 32/8915 Certificates of births & baptisms, extracted from old papers R-W

WO 32/8920 Death certificates of Army personnel, Ae Vou

WO 347/10 Allied Prisoner of War hospitals, Thailand & Burma: death register

WO 347/13 Official War Diary & Death Register: including brief account of move from Singapore to

Thailand (with reference to work on [Burma-Siam] railway); journal of camp activity July-Nov 1943, with copy

letters to IJA Camp Commandant; plan of camp; various death registers; & nominal roll of persons buried at


WO 69/63 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, A Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/64 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, A Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/65 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, B Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/66 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, K Battery B Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/70 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/71 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, C Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery

WO 69/73 Register of Marriages & Baptisms, E Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery