New Zealand Waikaraka Cemetery Memorial 1902-1940

Search New Zealand Waikaraka Cemetery memorial 1902-1940

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Do you have a military ancestor buried in Waikaraka Cemetery in New Zealand? Discover your ancestor’s name, birth and death year, and regiment from the Waikaraka Cemetery memorial.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

The information in these records was taken from a memorial commemorating the veterans who fought for the Empire and who died at the Auckland Veterans’ Home. The memorial is located at Waikaraka Cemetery and was unveiled on 26 April 1917. The death years covered in this collection are from 1902 to 1940.

Transcripts provide the following information about your ancestor:

  • First name(s) – in some cases, only first initials were recorded.
  • Last name
  • Birth year
  • Death year
  • Death date
  • Age at death
  • Force or regiment

Wendy Leahy supplied these transcripts.

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