Ireland, Register of Derry Cathedral 1642-1703

Search The Register Of Derry Cathedral 1642-1703

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Do you have ancestors from the parish of Templemore in Londonderry (Derry), Ireland? Discover if they were baptised, married, or buried at Derry Cathedral between 1642 and 1703. This register can provide you with crucial biographical information, such as your ancestor’s residence and parents’ or spouse’s names.

Learn about these records

What can these records tell me?

This printed Register of Derry Cathedral contains over 10,000 baptisms, marriages, and burials for the period of 1642 to 1703. As such, it is an extremely useful source for those tracing family in Londonderry (Derry) and it provides valuable insight into the history of parish records in Derry Cathedral.

Each record includes both a transcript and an image of the register. While the amount of available information varies, most transcripts include the following:


  • Name
  • Baptism date
  • Residence
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name

Images often include additional information, such as the father’s occupation and whether the birth was recorded as illegitimate.


  • Name
  • Marriage date
  • Residence
  • Spouse’s name
  • Spouse’s residence
  • Names of groom’s and bride's fathers

Images may include additional information, such as the witnesses present at the wedding and whether banns were announced.


  • Name
  • Burial date
  • Age at death
  • Residence
  • Spouse’s name, or father’s or mother's name

Images may include additional information, such as occupation.

Discover more about these records

Published by the Parish Register Society of Dublin in 1910, the Register of Derry Cathedral comprises the baptisms, marriages and burials for the parish of Templemore, which included Derry City, from 1642 to 1703.

The Parish Register Society of Dublin was formed in 1905 with the aim of publishing early Church of Ireland parish records. After merging with the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, in 1915, the Parish Register Society continued to publish registers in the Association's journal until 1934.