Hampshire, Portsmouth Baptisms

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Did your ancestor’s baptism take place in Portsmouth, Hampshire? Uncover the original baptism entry in parish registers from Portsmouth, and learn your ancestor’s baptism year, residence, and parents’ names. Our parish list will detail all parishes included in this collection and the year ranges covered.

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What can these records tell me?

Each result will provide you with a transcript and image of the original register entry. Transcripts will provide all or a combination of the following:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Birth date
  • Baptism year
  • Baptism date
  • Baptism place
  • Denomination
  • Residence
  • Father’s first name(s)
  • Mother’s first name(s)
  • Mother’s maiden name
  • County
  • Country
  • Archive reference
  • Page
  • Archive

You may be able to glean additional details from the original register entry so be sure to view the image attached to each transcript.

Discover more about these records

The parish registers held at Portsmouth History Centre pertain to Church of England parishes in the deaneries of Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham, and Havant. The records span from the 16th century to present day; however, due to privacy concerns, there is a 100-year cut-off on publishing parish records.

Notable individuals in these records

Charles Dickens, the famed author of such books as Oliver Twist and Bleak House, can be found in these records. His parents, John and Elizabeth, are named on the record as well as his baptism date and place, 4 March 1812 at Portsea, St Mary.

Cassandra Elizabeth Austen, the niece of Jane Austen, was the daughter of Jane’s brother Sir Francis William Austen and his first wife Mary. On her baptism record, we can see that her baptism took place on 13 February 1814 and that her father’s occupation is listed as captain in the Royal Navy.

James Alms, an officer in the Royal Navy who served during the Seven Years’ War and American War of Independence, is found in these records. He’s recorded as the son of John and Mary Alms with his baptism date being 21 July 1728.

Henry Edward Bird, a chess player known for making popular an opening move now known as Bird’s Opening, is found in these records. His baptism is recorded as occurring on 7 August 1829 at Portsmouth, St Thomas; his parents are also recorded on his record: Henry and Mary Ellen. From the image of the original record, we learn that his father was a draper.

The murderer James Hackman is found in this collection. His baptism took place on 13 December 1752 at Gosport, Holy Trinity. His parents, William and Mary, are also recorded on the register. Hackman was convicted and hung for murdering Martha Ray, the mistress of Lord Sandwich, on 7 April 1779.

The English cricketer Lionel Charlie Ramsbottom-Isherwood, son of Charles Edward Ramsbottom and Isabel Catherine Isherwood, is found in these records. His baptism was on 19 May 1891 at Southsea, St Jude. Lionel’s first-class debut was in 1919 for Hampshire and was with the club for 26 matches.

George Meredith, the English poet who wrote Modern Love about his failed marriage, is included in these records. George’s baptism took place at Portsmouth, St Thomas, on 9 April 1828. His parents’ names are recorded as Augustus Armstrong and Jane Eliza.