Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records 1908-1949

Search Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records 1908-1949

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Find out new details about your family members in these death records from Salt Lake County, Utah. Discover important details to include in your family history, such as your ancestor’s exact birth and death dates and the names of their parents and spouse.

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What can these records tell me?

There are more than 118,000 records for deaths occurring in Salt Lake County, Utah. While the information for each person varies, Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records 1908-1949 usually includes:

  • First and last name
  • Birth date
  • Birth town
  • Death date
  • Spouse’s first and last name
  • Father’s first and last name
  • Mother’s first and last name
  • Town
  • County

Discover more about Utah, Salt Lake County Death Records 1908-1949

Explore these death records from Salt Lake County, Utah, the most populous county in the state of Utah, and learn new details about your family members. The years covered in these records are particularly important, as they cover two world wars and an increasing population in the state.

Use the information in these records to help you to fill in gaps in your family history and find additional records about your family members. You can then find out even more facts in our other collections of Utah records, federal and military records, and local newspapers.

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Findmypast is pleased to present these records in partnership with FamilySearch, Intl.