Find your ancestors in Search the 1930 US Census
- 1930 US Census Date: (All reported data is “as of” this official date chosen by the census agency)
- April 1, 1930
- 1930 Census Duration:
- 1 month
- 1930 US Census Population:
- 122,775,046
- President During 1930 Census:
- Herbert Hoover
1930 US Census 15th United States Census
1930 Census Geography
- 48 States participated in the 1930 census
- Participating territories: Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, the Canal Zone, Guam, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
Information requested for the 1930 Census
- Street name
- House number
- Name
- Relationship to head of family
- Is the person's home owned or rented?
- If the home is owned, is it owned free or mortgaged?
- Does this person live on a farm NOW?
- Did this person live on a farm A YEAR AGO?
- Sex, Color or Race, Age
- Is the person single, married, divorced, or widowed?
- Has the person attended school at any time since Sept. 1, 1929?
- Can the person read and write?
- Person's place of birth
- Person's father's place of birth
- Person's mother's place of birth
- Year of immigration into the United States
- Is the person naturalized or an alien?
- Is the person able to speak English?
- Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done?
- Industry or business in which at work
- Is person an Employee (E), wage or salary worker (W), or own account (O)?
- Whether the person is actually at work?
- Record line number for unemployed
- Whether the person is a veteran of the U.S. military or naval forces mobilized for any war or expedition?
- If yes, which war or expedition
- Number of farm schedule
Census of Unemployment
Enumerators were instructed to fill out the following questionnaire for all gainful workers unemployed on the workday before the census date.
- Date of enumeration
- Sheet number of person's corresponding population schedule entry
- Line number of person's corresponding population schedule entry
- Name
- Does this person usually work at a gainful occupation?
- Does this person usually have a job of any kind?
- If this person has a job...
- How many weeks since he has worked at that job?
- Why was he not at work yesterday (or the last regular workday)?
- How many days did he work last week?
- How many days does he work in a full-time week?
- If this person has no job of any kind...
- Is he able to work?
- Is he looking for a job?
- For how many weeks has he been without a job?
- Reason for being out of a job
Indian Population
- Sheet number of person's corresponding population schedule entry
- Line number of person's corresponding population schedule entry
- Name, Sex, Age
- Is the person of full American Indian or mixed lineage?
- Tribe
- Person's Post Office address
- Agency where the person is enrolled
1930 Census Quick Facts
- It took $40,156,000, approximately 87,756 enumerators and 35,700 published reports to complete the 1930 census
- The US population increased by 13.7 percent from the 1920 census to the 1930 census.
Historical Events Surrounding 1930 Census
- March 1, 1936: The Hoover Dam is completed two years ahead of schedule
- In 1930, Richard Drew invents “Scotch Brand Cellulose Tape” known today as Scotch Tape
- Superman is introduced in comics in June of 1938
- March 3, 1931: Herbert Hoover signs an act officially declaring The Star Spangled Banner as the US national anthem
- In 1933, the 21st amendment to the constitution is ratified ending the prohibition of alcohol
- Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933
- May 27, 1937: The Golden Gate Bridge opens in San Francisco, California
- October 30, 1938: The radio broadcast “The War of the Worlds,” a realistic sounding descriptions of Martians attacking the United States, causing widespread panic