1920 US Census Date: (All reported data is “as of” this official date chosen by the census agency)
January 5, 1920
1920 Census Duration:
1 month
1920 US Census Population:
President During 1920 Census:
Warren G harding
1920 US Census 14th United States Census
1920 Census Geography
48 States participated in the 1920 census
New States: Arizona and New Mexico
Participating territories: Alaska, Hawaii,
American Samoa, the Canal Zone, Guam,
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
Information requested for the 1920 Census
Relationship to head of the family
Sex, color, race, age
Is the person single, married, widowed, or divorced?
State or country of birth and mother tongue
Mother and father’s place of birth and each mother tongue
Year of immigration to the United States
Naturalized or an alien?
If Naturalized, year of naturalization
Trade, profession, or occupation
General nature of the industry, business, or establishment of occupation
Is the person an employer, employee, or working on his own account?
Has the person attended school at any time since September, 1919?
Is the person's home owned or rented?
Is the person's home owned free or mortgaged?
1920 Census Quick Facts
It took $25,117,000, approximately 87,234 enumerators and 14,550 published reports to complete the 1920 US census
The US population increased by 15 percent from the 1910 census to the 1920 census.
Historical Events Surrounding 1920 Census
August 18, 1920: The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified allowing women the right to vote.
The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, determined post-war borders from Europe to the Middle East, established the League of Nations and punished Germany with reparations and loss of territory
F. Scott Fitzgerald published The Great Gatsby in 1925
The first collection of stories by A.A. Milne featuring Winnie-the-Pooh was published in 1925
The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in 1919 banning the manufacture and sale of “intoxicating liquors”
The Jazz age peaks in 1927 with the selling of 100 million phonograph records