Find your ancestors in Search for your Irish ancestors in our court & legal records
First of all can I say what a fantastic site! At last there may be some light at the end of a very long tunnel for all of us out here trying to discover our Irish ancestors.
Karen, UK
I found a prison record confirming a family story that no one has ever had proof of. Thank you for putting prison and court records online! This discovery is my Holy Grail!
Kathleen, USA
About the records
Legal records, whether criminal or civil are a key source for tracing Irish family history because they record such a huge volume of prisoners, their relatives, and in many cases their victims.
On you'll find:
- The complete Irish Prison registers from the National Archives of Ireland, detailing over 3.5 million people
- Over 15.2 million records in the Petty Sessions order books
- A vast amount of detail on most of those listed including: place of birth, age, address, occupation, physical description, next of kin