Boyd’s first name abbreviations
In Boyd's records, common first names are nearly always abbreviated, e.g., JN for John or THO for Thomas. These abbreviations are not always used, first names may be in full or different abbreviations used. If searching for a first name, try the abbreviation first, and if not successful use the full first name.
Below is a full list of first name abbreviations found in Boyd's records.
Forename | Abbreviation | Forename | Abbreviation |
Abigail | Abig | Abraham, | Abram, Abr |
Agnes, | Annis, Agn | Alexander | Alex |
Alfred | Alf | Ambrose | Amb |
Andrew | And | Anne, Anna, | Ann, An |
Annis | Agn | Anthony | Ant |
Arthur | Art | Augustus | Aug |
Barbara | Barb | Bartholomew | Bart |
Benjamin | Ben | ||
Catherine, Katherine | Cath | Charles | Chas |
Christian | Xtian | Christopher | Chris |
Clement | Clem | Cornelius | Corn |
Cuthbert | Cuth | ||
Daniel | Dan | David | Dav |
Deborah | Deb | Dorothy | Dy |
Edmund | Edm | Edward | Edw |
Elizabeth | Eliz or Elz | Eleanor, Helena | Elnr |
Emmanuel | Eman | Esther, Hester | Esth |
Ezekiel | Ezek | ||
Ferdinand | Ferd | Frederick | Fred |
Gabriel | Gab | Geoffrey, Jeffery | Geof |
George | Geo | Gertrude | Gert |
Gilbert | Gilb | Godfrey | Godf |
Gregory | Greg | Griffith | Grif |
Hannah | Han | Henry | Hen |
Herbert | Herb | Hester | Esth |
Hubert | Hub | Humphrey | Hum |
Isabel | Isb | ||
James | Jas | Jeffery | Geof |
John | Jn | Joseph | Jos |
Katherine | Cath | ||
Lancelot | Lan | Lawrence | Laur |
Leonard | Leon | Lucretia | Lucr |
Lydia | Lyd | ||
Magdalen | Mgd | Margaret | Mgt |
Margery, Marjory | Mgy | Marmaduke | Marm |
Mary | My | Mathew, Mathias | Math |
Maurice | Maur | Michael | Mich |
Nathaniel | Nath | Nicholas | Nic |
Patrick | Pat | Penelope | Pen |
Peter | Pet | Philadelphia | Philad |
Philip | Phil | Phineas | Phin |
Priscilla | Prisc | Prudence | Prud |
Rachel | Rach | Raymond | Ray |
Rebecca | Reb | Reginald | Reg |
Richard | Ric | Robert | Rob |
Roger | Rog | Roland, Rowland | Rol |
Samuel | Sam | Sarah | Sar |
Silvester | Silv | Simon | Sim |
Solomon | Sol | Stephen, Steven | Ste |
Susan, | Susanna | Sus | |
Theodore | Theo | Theophilus | Theoph |
Thomas | Tho | Tomsin, Thomasine | Tomsin |
Timothy | Tim | ||
Ursula | Urs | ||
Valentine | Val | Vincent | Vinc |
Walter | Walt | Wilfred | Wilf |
William | Wm | Winifred | Win |
Zachariah | Zach |
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