1921 Census employment codes

Employment or industry was classified and coded by the Census Office for statistical purposes. These employment codes appear as annotations, in green ink, in the Employment column (col l in the standard household schedule such as C, E and W schedule type codes).

Employment codes fall within a range of 000 to 899, with X as a single alpha value outlier (X). The high-level order and more specific category in which each industry was placed by the Census Office clerks is shown in the table below.

Employment (industry) codes

Occupation codeOccupation code orderOccupation code category
000FishingSea fishing & oyster beds
001FishingFishing in rivers & inland waters, including pisciculture
010AgricultureFarming (not fruit or poultry) & stock rearing
011AgriculturePoultry farming
012AgricultureMarket gardening & fruit farming
013AgricultureFlower & seed growing and nursery gardening
014AgricultureOther or undefined gardening
015AgricultureForestry - government
016AgricultureForestry - other
017AgricultureOther agricultural industries
030Mining & quarryingCoal mines
039Mining & quarryingCoal, iron & steel companies (branch of industry not known)
040Mining & quarryingIron ore mines & quarries
041Mining & quarryingLead mines
042Mining & quarryingTin & copper mines
043Mining & quarryingStone quarries & mines
044Mining & quarryingSlate quarries & mines
045Mining & quarryingClay, sand, gravel & chalk pits
046Mining & quarryingOil shale mines, oil wells
047Mining & quarryingSalt mines, brine wells & salt works
049Mining & quarryingOther mines & quarries
050Mining & quarryingCoke ovens & by-product works
051Mining & quarryingPatent fuel
052Mining & quarryingMineral oil refining
053Mining & quarryingCement
054Mining & quarryingArtificial stone & concrete
055Mining & quarryingLime kilns & whiting works
056Mining & quarryingGanister (other than ganister bricks)
059Mining & quarryingOther
060Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcGanister & silica bricks
061Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcFire clay goods, including fire bricks
062Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcOther bricks & tiles (not glazed tiles)
063Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcEarthenware, china, porcelain, terra cotta & glazed tiles
064Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcGlass (other than bottles)
065Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcGlass bottles
069Manufacture of bricks, pottery, glass etcMiscellaneous products of clay & sand (not elsewhere enumerated)
070Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseAlkali & heavy acids
071Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseTar & wood distillation
072Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseDyes
073Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseDrugs & fine chemicals
074Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseFertilisers, sheep dips & disinfectants
079Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseOther chemicals
080Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseExplosives - government
081Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseExplosives - other
082Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseCartridges, small arms ammunition (including shell-filling factories), fuses, rockets etc - government
083Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseCartridges, small arms ammunition (including shell-filling factories), fuses, rockets etc - other
090Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseRed & white lead & litharge
091Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greasePaints & colours
092Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseVarnish
093Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseVegetable oils crushing, refining; cake making
094Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseFat extracting & refining
095Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseGlue, size, gelatine
096Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseSoap, candles, glycerine
097Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseOther non-mineral oils, greases, glue etc
100Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseBlue & polishes
101Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseDextrine & gum
102Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseInk
103Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseMatches
109Manufacture of chemicals, dyes, explosives, paints, non-mineral oils, greaseOther (miscellaneous)
110Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesPig iron manufacture (blast furnaces)
111Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesPuddling furnaces & iron rolling mills
112Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSteel works & steel rolling mills
113Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesIronworks (precise branch not stated)
114Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSlag & slag wool
120Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCopper
121Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesLead
122Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesZinc & spelter
129Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther metals & alloys
130Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesGeneral iron foundries
131Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSteel foundries
132Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBrass & other copper alloy foundries & cast metal finishing
133Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther metal foundries
134Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesPattern making
135Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesForging - chains & anchors
136Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther forging
137Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesTinplate
138Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesGalvanised steel
139Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesTubes, iron or steel
140Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesRolling mills and tube & pipe making - non-ferrous metal
141Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesWire, wire netting, wire rope
149Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther secondary processes in metal working
150Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesStationary engines & power transmission plant
151Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSteam locomotives, road & rail, & railway plant - railway companies
152Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSteam locomotives, road & rail, & railway plant - other
153Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesAgricultural engineering
154Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesTextile machinery & accessories
155Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesHeating & ventilating engineering
156Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesMachine tools
157Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther engineering - government
159Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther engineering - other
160Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesGenerators, motors, transformers, switchgear
161Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCable, wire & flex
162Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesIncandescent lamps
163Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesWiring & contracting
169Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther electrical manufactures
170Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesRolling stock for railways & tramways - railway company
171Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesRolling stock for railways & tramways - local authority
172Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesRolling stock for railways & tramways - tramway authority
173Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesRolling stock for railways & tramways - other
174Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSelf-propelled road vehicles (not steam) - government
175Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSelf-propelled road vehicles (not steam) - railway company
176Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSelf-propelled road vehicles (not steam) - omnibus company
177Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSelf-propelled road vehicles (not steam) - other
178Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCycles
179Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCarriages, coach & motor car bodies
180Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCarts & vans, motor lorry bodies & wheelwrights' work
181Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCycle & motor accessories
182Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesAeroplanes, airships & balloons - government
183Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesAeroplanes, airships & balloons - other
189Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther vehicles
190Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing - government
191Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing - railway companies
192Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing - steamship companies
193Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing - other
194Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesMarine engineering - government
195Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesMarine engineering - railway company
196Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesMarine engineering - steamship company
197Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesMarine engineering - other
198Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing, & marine engineering - government
199Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing, & marine engineering - railway company
200Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing, & marine engineering - steamship company
201Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesShip building & repairing, & marine engineering - other
210Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesCutlery
211Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesFiles
212Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSaw
213Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther tools
214Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesPins
215Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesNeedles & fish-hooks
220Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesAxles, axle boxes, springs & other coach ironwork
221Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBedsteads (not wood) & wire mattresses
222Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBoilers & tanks
223Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBolts, nuts, rivets
224Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBrass & yellow metal (sheet goods) spinning & finishing - builders' & cabinet makers' goods
225Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBrass & yellow metal (sheet goods) spinning & finishing - lamps (not cycle or motor) & lighting fittings
226Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesBrass & yellow metal (sheet goods) spinning & finishing - other
227Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesConstructional engineering; bridge & girder works
228Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesDies, seals, coins, medals - government
229Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesDies, seals, coins, medals - other
230Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesGas & water meters
231Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesHarness furniture & cart gear
232Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesHollow-ware of iron & steel (cast or wrought)
233Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesJapanning & enamelling
234Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesLocks, keys, latches
235Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesNails & tacks
236Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSafes
237Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesScales & weighing machines
238Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesScrews
239Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSheet metal working (not brass) - tin boxes, canisters & containers
240Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSheet metal working (not brass) - other; press working, stamping & piercing
241Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSmall arms - government
242Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesSmall arms - other
243Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesStoves, grates, ranges
244Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesTypefounding
249Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther manufacturing in metal
250Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesJewellery
251Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesDiamond & precious stone drilling
252Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesImitation jewellery
253Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesWatches & clocks (including materials & parts)
254Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesGold, silver & electro plate; nickel silver & britannia metal ware
259Manufacture of metals, machines, implements, conveyances, jewellery, watchesOther manufacturing in precious metals, jewellery, plate
260Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCotton - carding & spinning mills
261Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCotton - doubling & thread mills
262Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCotton - weaving
263Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCotton - velvet & fustian cutting
269Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCotton - other or undefined cotton manufactures
270Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - combing & top making
271Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - worsted spinning (including camel hair, mohair & alpaca)
272Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - worsted sweaving (including camel hair, mohair & alpaca)
273Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - mungo making; rag grinding & carbonising
274Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - woollen manufacture (spinning & subsequent processes)
275Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseWool, worsted & shoddy - felt (not woven)
280Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseArtificial silk spinning
281Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseSilk throwing, silk spinning, silk (including artificial silk) weaving
290Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseFlax & hemp (including thread)
291Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseJute (including thread)
292Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseFlax, hemp, jute (not separately specified)
300Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseHosiery & other knitted goods
301Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseLace
302Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseCarpets & rugs
303Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseRope, cord, twine
304Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTapes, smallwares, elastic web
305Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseAsbestos
306Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseHair curling, spinning & weaving; hair felt
307Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & cellulosePreparing, spinning & weaving of other or mixed fibres
308Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTents, tarpaulins & canvas goods
309Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseHemming & embroidering
319Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseMaking of other textile goods (not articles of dress)
320Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTextile dyeing, printing, bleaching, calendering, finishing - bleaching
321Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTextile dyeing, printing, bleaching, calendering, finishing - printing
322Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTextile dyeing, printing, bleaching, calendering, finishing - dyeing
323Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTextile dyeing, printing, bleaching, calendering, finishing - finishing
324Manufacture of textiles & textile goods (not dress), & celluloseTextile dyeing, printing, bleaching, calendering, finishing - making up & export packing
330Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Furriers & fur dressing
331Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Fellmongery
332Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Tanning, currying & leather dressing
336Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Saddlery, harness & whips
337Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Leather belting
338Preparation of skins & leather, & manufacture of goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)Bags, trunks & other goods of leather & leather substitute (not boots or shoes)
340Manufacture of clothingTailoring (including waterproof & leather clothing) - government
341Manufacture of clothingTailoring (including waterproof & leather clothing) - other
342Manufacture of clothingDress & blouse making
343Manufacture of clothingShirts, collars, overalls
344Manufacture of clothingStays & corsets
345Manufacture of clothingUnderclothing
346Manufacture of clothingHandkerchiefs, scarves, ties
347Manufacture of clothingMillinery
348Manufacture of clothingStraw hats (including straw plait)
349Manufacture of clothingCloth hats & caps
350Manufacture of clothingFelt hats
351Manufacture of clothingOther hats & caps
352Manufacture of clothingGloves (not knitted or rubber)
353Manufacture of clothingBoots, shoes, slippers (not rubber)
354Manufacture of clothingClogs
359Manufacture of clothingOther clothing manufacture
360Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - grain milling
361Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - cereal foods & starches (including industrial starch)
362Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - cattle & poultry foods (not oil cake)
363Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - bread & flour confectionery - government
364Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - bread & flour confectionery - other
365Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - biscuits
366Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - sugar refining (including glucose & invert sugar)
367Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - sugar confectionery (sweets)
368Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - jam making & fruit preserving
369Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - cocoa & chocolate
370Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - bacon, hams, lard & sausages
371Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - other meat preserving
372Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - fish curing & preserving
373Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - butter, cheese, condensed & dried milk
374Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - margarine
375Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - vinegar, pickles, spices & other condiments
379Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoFood - other meat preserving
380Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - maltings
381Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - breweries - beer
382Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - breweries - other (not vinegar)
383Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - distilling, rectifying & compounding of potable spirits
384Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - cider & perry
385Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - mineral & aerated waters
386Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - bottling of beer, wines, spirits etc
389Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoDrink - other drinks & cordials
390Manufacture of food, drink, tobaccoTobacco, cigars, cigarettes, snuff
400Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - sawmills & joinery works
401Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - general & jobbing carpentry
402Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - cooperages
403Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - wooden boxes & packing cases
404Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - wood turning & wooden ware (not bobbins)
405Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - basket ware
409Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Wood working & basket ware - other
410Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Furniture (not metal or basket); fittings - cabinet & furniture making & upholstering
411Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Furniture (not metal or basket); fittings - bedding & mattresses (not wire)
412Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Furniture (not metal or basket); fittings - house & shop fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)
413Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Furniture (not metal or basket); fittings - wood carving, carving & guilding; picture frames
419Wood working, manufacture of cane & basket ware, furniture fittings (not elsewhere enumerated)Furniture (not metal or basket); fittings - other
420Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper making - paper & board making, coating, enamelling
430Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - wall papers
431Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - cardboard boxes
432Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - paper bags, envelopes, stationery
433Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - compressed paper, paper vulcanite & articles thereof
434Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - pencils, penholders, fountain & stylographic pens
435Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - other stationery & typewriting requisites
439Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPaper goods, stationery & stationery requisites - other
440Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - production of newspapers & periodicals
441Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - production of printed books & music
442Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - production of account books (including machine ruling)
443Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - government printing & bookbinding
444Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - letterpress printing (job & general work)
445Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - lithography & photo-lithography (job & general work)
446Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - process engraving, stereotyping & electrotyping (job & general work)
447Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - bookbinding (job & general work)
448Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - photography
459Paper making, manufacture of stationery & stationery requisites, printing, bookbinding & photographyPrinting, bookbinding & photography - other (excluding machine ruling)
460Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingStone cutting, dressing, turning
461Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingSlate cutting, dressing, turning
462Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingBricklaying
463Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingMasonry
464Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingSlating & tiling
465Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingPainting, decorating, glazing
466Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingPlastering
467Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingPlumbing, gasfitting
468Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingBuilding (so returned)
469Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingPublic works contracting
470Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingMine & well sinking
479Building, decorating, stone & slate cutting & dressing, & contractingOther, including bell-hanging, mosaic & tile laying
480Other manufacturing industriesRubber - boots & shoes
481Other manufacturing industriesRubber - tyres & other rubber goods
482Other manufacturing industriesLinoleum, leather cloth, oil cloth & table baize
483Other manufacturing industriesBone, horn, ivory, tortoiseshell
484Other manufacturing industriesCelluloid & casein compositions
485Other manufacturing industriesButtons
486Other manufacturing industriesFeather dressing, cleaning & dyeing
487Other manufacturing industriesBrooms & brushes
489Other manufacturing industriesScientific instruments & apparatus
490Other manufacturing industriesPhotographic instruments & apparatus
491Other manufacturing industriesPhotographic plates, films & papers
492Other manufacturing industriesMusical instruments - pianos & organs (including actions)
493Other manufacturing industriesMusical instruments - gramophones, phonographs etc (including records)
494Other manufacturing industriesMusical instruments - other musical instruments
495Other manufacturing industriesToys, games & sports requisites
496Other manufacturing industriesTobacco pipes (not clay)
497Other manufacturing industriesJewel etc cases & fancy boxes
498Other manufacturing industriesArtificial flowers
508Other manufacturing industriesOther defined manufacturing industries
509Other manufacturing industriesMinor multiple or ill-defined manufacturing industries
510Gas, water, electricityGas works - local authority
511Gas, water, electricityGas works - railway company
512Gas, water, electricityGas works - other
517Gas, water, electricityWaterworks & hydraulic power - government
518Gas, water, electricityWaterworks & hydraulic power - local authority
519Gas, water, electricityWaterworks & hydraulic power - other
522Gas, water, electricityElectricity supply - government
523Gas, water, electricityElectricity supply - local authority
524Gas, water, electricityElectricity supply - railway company
525Gas, water, electricityElectricity supply - tramway company
529Gas, water, electricityElectricity supply - other
530Transport & communicationRailways
540Transport & communicationMotor garages, livery stables & hiring establishments
541Transport & communicationCartage & haulage contracting
542Transport & communicationOmnibus services - local authority
543Transport & communicationOmnibus services - other
544Transport & communicationTramway services - local authority
545Transport & communicationTramway services - other
549Transport & communicationOther road transport
550Transport & communicationShipping services - railway company
551Transport & communicationShipping services - railway other
554Transport & communicationShipping services - tug, barge, lighter, boat - service
556Transport & communicationShipping services - salvage
560Transport & communicationHarbours, docks, piers, landing stages, lighthouses - government
561Transport & communicationHarbours, docks, piers, landing stages, lighthouses - local authority
562Transport & communicationHarbours, docks, piers, landing stages, lighthouses - railway company
564Transport & communicationHarbours, docks, piers, landing stages, lighthouses - private
565Transport & communicationCanal authorities & conservancy boards (not Manchester Ship Canal) - government
566Transport & communicationCanal authorities & conservancy boards (not Manchester Ship Canal) - local authority
567Transport & communicationCanal authorities & conservancy boards (not Manchester Ship Canal) - railway company
568Transport & communicationCanal authorities & conservancy boards (not Manchester Ship Canal) - private
569Transport & communicationLoading & discharging of vessels
580Transport & communicationAerodromes & aviation service
586Transport & communicationBonded & other warehouse
587Transport & communicationCold storage
590Transport & communicationMessenger service & porterage
591Transport & communicationTelegraphs & telephones (not government)
599Transport & communicationOther (lift company)
600Commerce & financeDealing in horses
601Commerce & financeDealing in cattle & other livestock
602Commerce & financeDealing in grain & forage - wholesale
603Commerce & financeDealing in grain & forage - retail
604Commerce & financeDealing in coal
605Commerce & financeDealing in stone & slate
606Commerce & financeDealing in bread & pastry
607Commerce & financeDealing in sugar confectionery - wholesale
608Commerce & financeDealing in sugar confectionery - retail
609Commerce & financeDealing in tea & coffee
610Commerce & financeDealing in grocery & provisions - wholesale
611Commerce & financeDealing in grocery & provisions - retail
612Commerce & financeDealing in milk & dairy produce - wholesale
613Commerce & financeDealing in milk & dairy produce - retail
614Commerce & financeDealing in meat - wholesale
615Commerce & financeDealing in meat - retail
616Commerce & financeDealing in fish & poultry - wholesale
617Commerce & financeDealing in fish & poultry - retail
618Commerce & financeDealing in vegetables & fruit - wholesale
619Commerce & financeDealing in vegetables & fruit - retail
620Commerce & financeDealing in wines & spirits - wholesale
621Commerce & financeDealing in wines & spirits - retail
622Commerce & financeDealing in tobacco - wholesale
623Commerce & financeDealing in tobacco - retail
624Commerce & financeDealing in building materials
625Commerce & financeDealing in domestic ware of glass & pottery
626Commerce & financeDealing in drugs & druggists' sundries (wholesale)
627Commerce & financeDealing in drugs & druggists' sundries (retail)
628Commerce & financeDealing in drysaltery, oils & colours - wholesale
629Commerce & financeDealing in drysaltery, oils & colours - retail
630Commerce & financeDealing in metals, metal goods & tools - wholesale
631Commerce & financeDealing in metals, metal goods & tools - retail
632Commerce & financeDealing in cycles & motors
633Commerce & financeDealing in other vehicles
634Commerce & financeDealing in precious metals, jewellery, watches & clocks
635Commerce & financeDealing in textiles & clothing (wholesale)
636Commerce & financeDealing in drapery, hosiery, haberdashery, hats & millinery (retail)
637Commerce & financeDealing in boots & shoes - wholesale
638Commerce & financeDealing in boots & shoes - retail
639Commerce & financeDealing in skins & leather
640Commerce & financeDealing in saddlery & leather goods
641Commerce & financeDealing in timber
642Commerce & financeDealing in furniture
643Commerce & financeDealing in paper & stationery (wholesale)
644Commerce & financePublishing & wholesale bookselling
645Commerce & financeDealing in books, newspapers, stationery (retail)
646Commerce & financeDealing in scrap metal - wholesale
647Commerce & financeDealing in scrap metal - retail
648Commerce & financeDealing in cotton waste
649Commerce & financeDealing in other waste materials
650Commerce & financeDealing in second-hand goods (not furniture or books)
651Commerce & financeGeneral & export trading, & non-textile packing
652Commerce & financeDepartmental stores, general shops & like mixed businesses
660Commerce & financeHawking & street selling
670Commerce & financeOther & undefined dealing
680Commerce & financeAuctioneering & valuing; house & estate agencies
681Commerce & financeAdvertising & billposting agencies
682Commerce & financeTypewriting & translation offices
683Commerce & financeEmployment agencies
684Commerce & financeBanking & bill discounting houses
685Commerce & financeInsurance
686Commerce & financeMoney lending & pawnbroking
689Commerce & financeOther finance
699Commerce & financeOther commerce
700Public administration & defenceNavy, including Admiralty
701Public administration & defenceArmy, including War Office
702Public administration & defenceAir Force, including Air Ministry
710Public administration & defencePost Office
711Public administration & defenceEducation
719Public administration & defenceOther government departments
720Public administration & defencePolice
721Public administration & defencePoor Law
722Public administration & defenceEducation
729Public administration & defenceOther local government
732ProfessionsMedicine & care of the sick & infirm (not government or local authority)
734ProfessionsVeterinary surgery
735ProfessionsEducation (not government or local authority)
736ProfessionsConsultant engineering & surveying
737ProfessionsConsultant practice in chemistry & other science
738ProfessionsAccountancy & actuarial practice
739ProfessionsLiterature & musical composition
740ProfessionsPainting, engraving, sculpture etc
742ProfessionsIndustrial & trade associations
743ProfessionsPolitical associations
744ProfessionsScientific associations
749ProfessionsOther professional service
750Entertainments & sportTheatres, music halls, picture palaces, concert halls & agencies
751Entertainments & sportMusic (on own account)
752Entertainments & sportFilm producing & film studios
753Entertainments & sportRace courses & training stables
754Entertainments & sportCricket
755Entertainments & sportFootball
756Entertainments & sportGolf
759Entertainments & sportOther entertainments & sport
760Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Private domestic service (indoor & outdoor)
771Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Lodging & boarding houses
772Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Restaurants, catering, eating & coffee houses - railway company
773Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Restaurants, catering, eating & coffee houses - other
774Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Hotels, inns, public houses & beer houses - railway company
775Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Hotels, inns, public houses & beer houses - other
776Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Clubs
777Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Laundries, job dyeing & dry cleaning
778Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Baths
779Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Hairdressing, manicure & chiropody
780Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Carpet beating & vacuum cleaning
781Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Undertaking
782Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Charitable service
789Personal service (including hotels & catering but excluding government & local authority)Other service
790Other industries, or industry not statedService of foreign governments
809Other industries, or industry not statedOther industries
899Other industries, or industry not statedDefence Force (not otherwise returned)
XOther industries, or industry not statedIndustry not stated (including art, dramatic & music students, patentees, wireless students, & voluntary, unpaid & honorary work