Find your ancestors in Minnesota State Census 1875

Search more than 160,000 names in the Minnesota State Census from May 1, 1875, only two years after the Panic of 1873 and the first state census since the end of the Civil War. In the census you will find you ancestor’s birth and the birth place of his/her parents. The state census is a great way to keep tracing your family history in the years between the federal census records.

What can these records tell me?

Each record includes a transcript of the original census. The amount of information in each record can vary but most will include:

  • Name
  • Sex
  • Race
  • Birth year
  • Birth place
  • Ethnicity - Nationality
  • Race
  • Town
  • County
  • Father’s birth place
  • Mother’s birth place
  • Volume and line number

    Below the transcript you will find a list of names that appear on the same page of the index. Some of these names may be other relatives or neighbors.
  • Discover more about Minnesota State Census 1875

    A state census is just as important as the federal census. These are a great way to keep track of your ancestors between the years of the federal census records. For the state these census records were important in deciding how to allocate state funds and they were used to verify the population of the state to determine how many representatives the state would send to Congress.

    The Minnesota State Census of 1875 was the first state census since the end of the American Civil War. During the war Minnesota was the first state to volunteer soldiers to defend the Union.

    Minnesota was the 32nd state admitted to the union. It was admitted as a free state in 1858. The state capital is St. Paul. At the time of this census the President was Ulysses S. Grant and Vice-President was Henry Wilson. The Minnesota state governor was Republican Cushman Kellogg Davis.