Find your ancestors in Rhode Island deaths & burials 1628-1930

What can these records tell me?

Only transcripts are included in this collection. Each transcript will include vital details transcribed from the original source material. The amount of available information will vary, but most records will include a combination of the following details:

  • First name(s)
  • Last name
  • Age
  • Birth year
  • Death year
  • Death date
  • Father’s first name(s)
  • Mother’s first name(s)
  • Spouse’s first name(s)
  • Place
  • Folio, file, volume, and page information

Discover more about these records

The state of Rhode Island is located in New England, on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Rhode Island’s history is, in many instances, the history of the United States. It was one of the original Thirteen Colonies – and the first amongst them to renounce allegiance to the British Crown.